

克勤克俭[kè qín kè jiǎn]

词典be industrious and frugal [thrift]

词典be able to practice diligence and frugality克勤克俭。

词典have capacity for industry and thrift克勤克俭。

词典practise economy and diligence克勤克俭。

克勤克俭 汉英大词典

克勤克俭[kè qín kè jiǎn]

be industrious and frugal [thrift]; be able to practice diligence and frugality; have capacity for industry and thrift; practise economy and diligence

克勤克俭 网络解释

1. 克勤克俭是什么意思

1. to be industrious and frugal:克己奉公: to work selflessly for the public interests | 克勤克俭: to be industrious and frugal | 量力而行: to take no more on you than you are able to bear