

克日[kè rì]

词典by a fixed date克日。

克日 汉英大词典

克日[kè rì]

[书] (约定或限定的日期) by a fixed date

克日 双语例句

1. 克日

1. 克日由于你,我从你身上学到……我做的每个选择都分裂了,我的人生已经彻底地改变了。
    Today, because of you, what I learned from you...every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed.

2. 由于我是为了今朝而活,于是克日我要离开你
    Cause I'm living for the moment so I'm leaving you today.

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3. 我本计划克日上午给他写信,其后就全忘了。
    I was writing him a letter this morning andforgot all about it.

4. 在21世纪的克日怎样搞好中学英语教学事情,这是摆在宽大英语教学事情者眼前非常重要的一个配合话题。
    Teaching students how to learn English is a heated topic among the English teaching staffs in the 21st century.

5. 我盼望克日是星期天。
    I wish it were/was Sunday today.

6. 这是克日什托夫生活的似非而是的悲剧。国外的人长期低估了他。
    It is a tragic paradox of Krzysztof's life that he was long undervalued outside Poland.

7. 克日的近义词

7. 笑一下,克日是你的生日。
    Smile, it is your birthday!

8. 克日什么意思

8. 对我来说,这个东东有点过于奥妙了,因此我直接就把僵尸设定成了你克日看到的五条通道的样子。
    It was a little too esoteric for my tastes, so I worked to pare the gameplay down to the 5 lane configuration you see today.

9. 克日的意思

9. 波兰总理图斯克日前表示,在足球问题上,波兰可以采取一些冒险、激进的方法,即使这会付出一定的代价。
    Polish Prime Minister Tusk recently said that the issue football, Poland can take some risks radical approach, even if it will have to pay.

10. 克日在线翻译

10. 来自德国的图书管理员艾尔克日前在德国当地动物园拍摄到了两只小猫鼬“亲吻”的画面。
    Elke Terstegen, a library assistant from Germany, has captured two cute meerkats " kissing " at a local zoo.

11. 今年世界杯期间,西班牙的球员们恐怕不能推特了,因为西班牙队主教练温森特迪波斯克日前宣布禁止球员在比赛期间使用Twitter和Facebook等社交网站。
      There is unlikely to be a tweet out of the Spain players at the World Cup after coach Vicente del Bosque banned them from using social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook during the tournament.

12. 来自德国的图书管理员艾尔克日前在德国当地动物园拍摄到了两只小猫鼬“亲吻”的画面。
      Elke Terstegen, a library assistant from Germany, has captured two cute meerkats " kissing " at a local zoo.

13. 一项统计显示,抗战期间,胶东部队共作战7590次,破袭981次,攻克日伪军据点425个,毙、伤、俘虏日伪军13.45万人。
      Statistics show that during the War of Resistance Against Japan, a total of combat troops Jiaodong 7590, 981 attacks, capture puppet army base on 425, death, injury, captured by Japanese puppet 134, 500 people.

14. 克日的近义词

14. 你知道奥林匹克日是哪天吗?
      Do you know what day is Olympic Day?