1. 史前时期对玉赋有的一些观念,大家仔细梳理一下,我们知道“六瑞”和“六器”,在新石器时代全部产生了,这很了不起。
Yu-fu, some prehistoric times to the number of concepts, we carefully sort out what, we know that the " six Swiss " and " six devices, " all produced in the Neolithic, and this is wonderful.
2. 这些东西如“六瑞”也好,“六器”也好,包括龙凤的观念,给我们提供了一个很大的思考空间。
These things such as " six-Rui ", or " 6 device " in mind, including the concept of dragon and phoenix, give us a big think about.
3. 六器
3. 浅述六器与中国玉礼文化
Jade and Chinese Culture
4. 史前时期对玉赋有的一些观念,大家仔细梳理一下,我们知道“六瑞”和“六器”,在新石器时代全部产生了,这很了不起。
Yu-fu, some prehistoric times to the number of concepts, we carefully sort out what, we know that the " six Swiss " and " six devices," all produced in the Neolithic, and this is wonderful.
5. 这些东西如“六瑞”也好,“六器”也好,包括龙凤的观念,给我们提供了一个很大的思考空间。
These things such as " six-Rui ", or " 6 device " in mind, including the concept of dragon and phoenix, give us a big think about.
6. 六器
6. 远古玉作六器,以礼天地四方,寓意喜庆、兴旺、吉祥美好的前景。
For the six ancient jade, and a ceremony earth Quartet, it means happy, prosperous, peaceful, harmonious, beautiful prospects.