

Bing Feng;
兵锋 双语例句

1. 兵锋的翻译

1. 斡难河大会群雄后,铁木真被推为大汗,号成吉思汗,自此奠定波澜壮阔的蒙古帝国。在远东地区,蒙古大军平辽灭金,征服南宋,兵锋所向无不披靡。
    Though few in number (approximately two million people at the height of their empire), Mongols were important in Eurasian history.

2. 兵锋什么意思

2. 孙会君*,四兵锋,吴建军北京交通大学交通运输学院,北京 100044
    School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 四兵锋*,张好智,孙会君,高自友北京交通大学交通运输学院系统科学研究所,北京 100044
    Institute of System Science, School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China

4. 兵锋

4. 他雄心勃勃地挥师西进,兵锋所指,京畿震惊。
    He ambitious swept westward, Bing Feng pointed out, Gyeonggi shocked.

5. 兵锋

5. 他的征服带领帝国的兵锋扫荡了整个星河,一直推进到星系的辽远边界。
    By Ogryn standards he was a genius and said to have been able to write his own name, count, and even speak with reasonable fluency.

6. 由于元军攻势猛烈,江西义军虽英勇作战,但最终也未能挡住元军兵锋
    Loose alone, Military offensive, because although valiant battle crossed in jiangxi province, but also failed to block yuan feng army.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 明崇祯十六年(1643),在李自成的兵锋之下,崇祯皇帝再次想起了纸币,他设立了内宝钞局,日夜赶造大明通行宝钞,希望能够挽狂澜于即倒。
    16 Years (1643), Li Zicheng's soldiers front, the Emperor is not too bad once again reminds me of notes, he set up in 宝钞, daimei up day and night Ch'ao in the hope of powerless in the fall.

8. 吴曦之乱的烟云刚刚散去,崛起在北方的成吉思汗蒙古大军倏忽之间摧毁了与南宋长期对峙的西夏和金政权,兵锋直指陇上。
    WU Xi Rebellion ended in smoke, the rise of Genghis Khan in Mongolia in the north between the army destroyed not limited long-term confrontation with the Southern Song Dynasty and the Western Xia regime, soldiers on the front against Longde.

9. 兵锋的翻译

9. 而当滇缅公路终于重新开通,可以为中国运输大量物资的时候,其他战场的形势发展使得盟军的兵锋已经直指日本本土。
    By the time the Burma Road reopened and supplies flowed freely across the border into China, operations in other theaters had shaped the course of the war against Japan.

10. 中国古代的军队在兵锋初利的殷代就开始使用阵法。
    China ancient army begins to use the tactical deployment of troops in Yin dynasty.