1. 再吐的解释
1. 和乌鸦很相象的那种怪样子的墨鸭,整排地停在船上,它们的脚是用绳子吊住了的,下水捕鱼,起水的时候船户就在它的颈于上轻轻地一挤,吐了再捕,捕了再吐。
Cormorants look very much like crows. They line up on the prow of the boat with a cord round one foot, and dive into the water to catch fish. When they come up, the boatman squeezes their necks gently to make them eject their catch.
2. 生理学》杂志的一项研究发现,只是用含有糖或碳水化合物的饮料漱漱口再吐出来就可以提高耐力。
A study in The Journal of Physiology finds that just rinsing and spitting with drinks containing sugar or carbohydrate can improve endurance.
3. 经常用淡盐水冲洗口腔就行,教他漱口,让他看着你做,先含一口水,鼓起腮帮,再吐出去。
Frequent oral rinsing with dilute brine on the trip taught him mouthwash, let him look at you do so, first with a saliva, 腮帮muster, and then spit out.
4. 再吐
4. 你应该不会再吐了
That should be the last of it.
5. 再吐的解释
5. 他说快点,别再吐了,他说你赶紧给我整伤。
He says come on don`t do that, he said take care of me.
6. 再吐的近义词
6. 但虽然这样,当存在疑虑时,我会吃干净再吐出来。
But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out.
7. 再吐的近义词
7. 如果再吐,应去医院检查一下是否有病。
If vomiting, should go to the hospital to check whether or not sick.
8. 我要再吐一次-帅
I'm gonna throw up again.
9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
9. 如果用漱口水,要保证漱口水在口中漱半分钟,再吐出来。
If you use mouthwash, make sure you swish it around in your mouth for30 seconds before you spit it out.
10. 再吐在线翻译
10. 就算是极细微的鱼讯,让毛勾停留在水流中几秒,好样鱼儿就饵重复地,我见证过鳟鱼就算在高流速中能完全吞入再吐出毛勾,就连钓者也未能发觉它们的出现。
Allow the fly to swim the streamer for awhile; I usually elect to play mind games with any suspected fish before beginning a new drift.
11. 再吐的翻译
11. 喝了、吃了,回头再吐掉。
Drink and eat and throw up later.
12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
12. 你要再吐一遍吗?
Do you need to throw up again?
13. 再吐什么意思
13. 大多数孕妇都是那样的,过了3个月一般就没什么反应了,如果确实很厉害可以吃点维生素B6每天一颗,可以适当缓解早孕反应,在不舒服也要吃一点,因为头3个月是胎儿神经系统和重要器官发育的重要时期,为了孩子吃了再吐都可以,至少还可以吸收一点,因为你不吃但孩子要吃,现在你是两个人了想一想为了孩子好就什么都不怕了
The majority of pregnant women are like, three months after the general reaction to nothing, if something really serious could be a day of vitamin B6 may be an appropriate response to alleviate the early, eat it in a little uncomfortable, because the first 3 months is the fetal nervous system and vital organs of an important period of development, in order to eat and then spit out the kids can be, at least you can learn a little, because you do not eat but they eat, and now you are two people think about the children not afraid of anything good on the
14. 再吐的反义词
14. 我仔细咀嚼,再吐出来,并且发出嘘声。
I been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage.
15. 911查询·英语单词
15. 这个社会会带走你孩子,嚼烂他们,最后再吐出来。
Society is gonna take your kids, chew them up and spit them out.
16. 他可能会把我们吞下去再吐出我们的骨头!
It could ingest us and spit out our bones!