

冒顿[mào dùn]



冒顿 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. modu:曹灿<<三国演义>>:夏侯惇(dun)读成(cun). 田楷(kai)读成(xie). 单田方<<水浒全传>>:呼延灼(zhuo)读成(shuo). 广播剧<<东周列国>>:长勺(shuo)之战,成(shao). 把权臣郤(xi)芮,成(gu). <<汉武大帝>>第16集:冒顿(modu)单于,成(maodun).

2. danci.911cha.com

2. revive maodunrevive:revive zhaoqianrevive 赵茜 | revive maodunrevive 冒顿 | revive hanxinrevive 伙伴韩信

冒顿 双语例句

1. 冒顿

1. 关于冒顿潮尔,学术界有点争议,有人认为莫顿潮尔就是鼎鼎大名的--胡笳,当然也是很多人反对。
    About the Maodun Chor academia has the controversy, some people think it's the Hujia, but some people against it.

2. 冒顿是什么意思

2. 他首先计划派遣他的一位公主嫁给匈奴的国王冒顿
    He first planned to send one of his princesses to King Maodun, the king of the Huns, for the propose marriage.

3. 冒顿

3. 冒顿潮尔已经被内蒙古人民政府公布为第一批自治区级非物质文化遗产名录之一,相信了解它和喜欢它的人会越来越多。
    Maodun Chor has been listed by the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region announced the first batch of Intangible Cultural Heritage List, it's no doubt more and more people will recognize and like it.

4. 汉朝建立后不久,匈奴领袖冒顿刺杀了他的父亲,然后接管了匈奴联盟的领导权。
    Shortly after the Han conquest, the Xiongnu leader Maodun assassinated his father and took over the leadership of the Xiongnu confederacy.

5. 冒顿的翻译

5. 的概念,系统利用了冒顿的麦迪西的机器拉尔结构,避免因永久链接吸塑包装,印刷和纸盒子过程中的一个在线表格,只需与他们政府根据要求。
    Concept systematically exploits the modu-lar structure of MediSeal's machines, avoiding having to permanently link the blister packaging, printing and cartoning sub-processes in the form of a line and simply linking them up according to requirements.

6. 西汉建立之初,匈奴在冒顿单于领导下,在我国北方迅速崛起,成为一个足以与西汉王朝相抗衡的民族。
    In the beginning of the Western han dynasty, Xiongnu leaded by Modu Chanyu grew up rapidly in the north of our nation, and developed to be a nationality that could match the Western han dynasty.