1. 62:3 你也必在耶和华的手中作华美的冠冕,在你神的掌上作君王的冕旒。
You will also be a crown of beauty in the hand of Jehovah, And a royal turban in the palm of your God.
2. 62:3 你在耶和华的手中要作为华冠,在你神的掌上必作为冕旒。
And you will be a fair crown in the hand of the Lord, and a kings head-dress in the hand of your God.
3. 启:你在耶和华的手中要作为华冠;在你神的掌上必作为冕旒。
Crown of splendor in the Lord's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God.
4. 冕旒
4. 你在耶和华的手中要作为华冠,在你神的掌上必作为冕旒。
You will be a crown of splendor in the LORD'S hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God.
5. 你在耶和华的手中要作为华冠,在你神的掌上必作为冕旒。
You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God.
6. 62:3 你在耶和华的手中要作为华冠,在你神的掌上必作为冕旒。
Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.
7. 赛62:3你在耶和华的手中要作为华冠、你神的掌上必作为冕旒。
Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.
8. 冕旒的翻译
8. 基于CMEs起源于太阳表面大尺度闭合冕旒结构的观测事实,我们数值模拟了热力学扰动自冕旒底部注入的日冕反应。
Because CMEs can trace back to the large scale closed magnetic fields on the solar surface, the corona response of a thermodynamic disturbance on the bottom of meridianal coronal streamer is simulated.
9. 在服饰上,尤其是宫廷礼服,国王、大臣的朝服,几乎就是中国汉族王朝宫廷礼服,皇帝、大臣朝服的翻版,试以越南末代国王保大所着之弁冠、兖服来看,与明朝宗藩服饰如出一辙,不过比之明朝皇帝,其造型显得小一号而已,以汉族帝王的正式礼服--冕旒兖服为例,明代皇帝的冕旒是十二旒的,越南是六旒的。
The wearing of appropriate styles of Hanfu was an important part of courteous refined behaviour. Confucius considered Hanfu a very important part of Chinese ceremony and ritual and many of his quotations contain references to Hanfu. As its name suggests, Hanfu encompasses all types of traditional clothing worn by the Han Chinese ethnic group. As such, it has a history as long as the history of the Han Chinese people.