

冤枉钱[yuān wɑnɡ qián]


冤枉钱 双语例句

1. 你看看,这个冬天我的手又冻了,净花冤枉钱……周教授开玩笑似的嗔怪道,大家在嬉笑中亦有所感悟。
    You look at my hand this winter and freeze, the net money spent wrongly accused…… Professor Zhou jokes like Chenguai Road, we are giggling in the sentiment.

2. 冤枉钱的解释

2. 电话自动计费系统可以查看你是否花了冤枉钱
    A call accounting system is a good check to see if you're spending money needlessly.

3. 我举个例子,肿瘤这个词竞价高达16元每次点击,一天点击1000的话那就是1.6万元每天,按转换率1%来算的话,那么一天1000IP个话有10个人是上当的,一天的1.6万元肯定就是要这10个人来负担,那么相当于你去看一次病最最最保守肯定要出的冤枉钱最少是1600元(当然肯定不止这个,我这里只是说看病的人也要帮忙出竞价费,汗)。
    I cite a case, price of this word contest is as high as tumor 16 yuan are clicked every time, one day clicks the word of 1000 is then 16 thousand yuan everyday, lead the 1% words that will calculate by changeover (conservative estimation is inside this limits), so a day of 1000IP the word has 10 people is duped, 16 thousand yuan of affirmation of a day want these 10 people to come namely burden, so be equivalent to you treat disease most most the injustice money that the most conservative affirmation should give is the least 1600 yuan (affirmative of course and more than this, the person that just says to see a doctor here also should do a good turn cost of price giving contest, sweat).

4. 假若我们有圣眼与圣耳,能看到和听到那个盗贼要我们去看、去听、去抽的魔音,那麼就能不受欲望的魔力驱使而消灭他,并且还不用花冤枉钱
    We eliminate him by not following the power of that desire and we don't have to lose money.

5. 早年装修中使用大面积木墙裙、高高的吊顶、繁复的多宝阁隔断,木墙裙增加了木工活的分量,既不经济又轻易产生环境污染;吊顶其实只适宜非凡的、有大量管线需要遮挡的房间,否则只会白白浪费有限的空间;多数被打造成多宝阁的隔断都是多余的,把空间流畅的房间画蛇添足地切割开,结果是装饰的效果没出来,还白花了很多冤枉钱
    One's early years is decorated in the much Bao Ge of dado of building blocks of use bedding face, high condole top, heavy and complicated is cut off, wooden dado added the weight with vivid carpentry, both neither economy produces an environment easily to pollute again; Condole supports actually only appropriate and special, the room that a large number of cop need keep out, can waste limited space for nothing only otherwise; The partition that majority is hit to cause much Bao Ge is redundant, open the cut of ground of room ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous with fluent space, the result is illuminative effect did not come out, still spent money of a lot of injustice in vain.

6. 冤枉钱的翻译

6. 后来,南佛罗里达大学海洋科学博士生詹姆斯罗卡斯奇欧出面救了市府,让市府省了一笔冤枉钱
    Then James Locascio, a doctoral student in marine science at the University of South Florida, rescued the city from financial folly.

7. 让人把你买来的旧汽车漆一下要花更多冤枉钱
    Having that old car you bought repainted would just be throwing good money after bad.

8. 挑战霸王部门质疑按揭贷款房贷将花多少冤枉钱
    Challenges despot sector questioned why the number of mortgage loans will spend money?

9. 冤枉钱的意思

9. 由于他解决卫生间漏水问题多花了一份冤枉钱,他一直想买的新羊毛衫就只好泡汤。
    Because his bathroom leak has been repaired at double what it should have cost, he decides not to buy the new sweater he wanted.

10. 我宁可少买一些,也不愿为产品或本地服务花冤枉钱,以此来保护我们弱不禁风的经济和就业前景,当然也会激发本地真正的竞争力,但是我想我只是少数这样的人而已。
    I would rather buy less, but pay more for a product or local service to secure our children's economic and employment future and also locally stimulate REAL competition, but I guess I am one of a few.

11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

11. 如果我主动把这个情况与所有投标人分享,能提高我的中标机会,同时帮助他们不花冤枉钱,这样做是不是不道德?
      Would it have been unethical for me to proactively share this knowledge with all bidders so as to improve my chances of winning the bid while, at the same time, helping them to not overpay?

12. 冤枉钱的翻译

12. 我表哥通过杂志征婚,冤枉钱花了不少,却没有成效。
      Journal Zhenghun by my cousin, wronged a lot of money, but to no avail.

13. 你会高兴于你的等待避免了吃亏或者付冤枉钱,又或者错过了即将上市的新型产品最后你会满意于拿到的称心如意的好物的。
      You will be so glad you waited-you can avoid getting a lemon or paying too much, or missing out on a new model that will come out soon, one with all the features you really want.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. 你可以想怎麽写就怎麽写,只要能让那些花冤枉钱的人高兴就行
      You can write what you like, as long as it keeps the punters happy

15. 建议老年人如何穿拖鞋竟然花费了英国政府22.5万英镑?这听起来似乎是天方夜谭,但事实的确如此,而且这只是英国政府众多“大手大脚花冤枉钱”例子中的一个。
      A? 225000 scheme advising the elderly on how to wear slippers is among an array of examples of " wasteful and useless " government spending costing billions of pounds a year, researchers say.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 建议老年人如何穿拖鞋竟然花费了英国政府22.5万英镑?这听起来似乎是天方夜谭,但事实的确如此,而且这只是英国政府众多“大手大脚花冤枉钱”例子中的一个。
      A? 225000 scheme advising the elderly on how to wear slippers is among an array of examples of " wasteful and useless " government spending costing billions of pounds a year, researchers say.