

冥器[míng qì]

词典funerary object殉葬品;冥器。

词典burial objects冥器。

冥器 汉英大词典

冥器[míng qì]

funerary object; burial objects

冥器 双语例句

1. 十七、家具元代以前的木质家具及精巧冥器;明清家具中以黄花梨、紫檀、鸡翅木、铁梨、乌木等珍贵木材制作、造型优美、保存完好、工艺精良的;明清时期制作精良的髹饰家具;明清及近现代名人使用的或具有重大历史价值的家具。
    Furniture: wooden furniture and exquisite funeral objects of the eras before the Yuan Dynasty, furniture, which are made of Huang Hua Li, sandlewood, Ji Chi wood, ferreous mesua, ebony and other precious wood, that have elegant modeling, are kept intact and are of excellent craft, paint-decorated furniture excellently manufactured in the Ming, Qing dynasties, furniture that have been used by famous persons of the Ming, Qing dynasties and of the modern times and the contemporary age, or those that have important historical values.

2. 中国古代帝王陵墓的雕塑艺术可以分为两条非常清晰的脉络或者说是文化体系:地上石刻造型艺术和地下冥器造型艺术。
    Ancient imperial tombs of the sculpture can be divided into two very clear context or a cultural system: the ground stone plastic arts and plastic arts underground burial objects.