


词典security measures taken in winter冬防。

词典preventive measures against winter cold冬防。

冬防 双语例句

1. 各单位要充分认识做好今冬明春防火工作的重要意义,进一步增强冬防工作的责任感和紧迫感,周密部署,精心策划,切实做好企业消防安全工作。
    All units do a good job this winter and next spring should fully understand the importance of fire prevention work to further enhance preventive measures and the sense of responsibility and urgency, meticulously planned, effectively do business fire safety work.

2. 冬防什么意思

2. 此外,在岁晚期间,队员都踊跃自愿参与冬防行动以支援正规警队。
    Furthermore, towards the end of the year, during the period of winter precautions, our members volunteered enthusiastically for such duties in support of the regulars` operational requirements.

3. 茶园冬防对茶树主要害益虫种群动态的影响信阳地区茶园常见害虫和天敌种类的调查
    The Effects of Overwintering Pest Control on the Population Dynamics of the Tea Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Tea Gardens Major Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Tea Field in Xinyang

4. 对夏病冬防、冬病冬治贴敷机理的认识
    Discussing the Sticking and Spreading Mechanism of Summer Disease Prevented in Winter and Winter Disease Treated in Winter