



冰床 双语例句

1. 当冰流从羊背石较陡的迎冰面流到较缓的顶冰面时,因动压力下降,CO〓从水膜中逸出使溶液过饱和而使方解石析出。铁质沉淀有部分来自大气降水,冰川与冰床接触后,难溶的高价铁氧化物附着于冰床上。
    It is suggested that the precipitation of calcite was undergoing as the CO〓 in water-film released due to the decrease of the motion-pressure on the top-surface and part of ferric precipitate came from the precipitation water and precipitated on the bed surface when the ice with it contacted with the icebed.

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2. 为什么人们愿意看恐怖片?睡冰床?吃培根味的冰淇淋?
    Why Do People Watch Scary Movies, Stay in Ice Hotels or Eat Bacon-Flavoured Ice-Cream?

3. 冰床什么意思

3. 研究结果为制冰床运行和结构参数的设计提供了理论根据。
    The calculated results provided a theory basis for the first design of operating and configuration parameters of ice-making bed.

4. 南极约98%覆盖着厚厚的大陆冰床,2%为光秃的岩石。
    There are about 98% thick continental ice sheet and 2% barren rock.

5. 为了要取得冰芯,科学家们必须精准地在冰河和极地的冰床上钻洞。
    To get ice cores, scientists have to drill into glaciers and polar ice sheets with precision.

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6. 是由於温上升,那些覆盖整个西半侧大的广大冰床已经开始破,是否会
    Side of the continent may be starting to break up. Were it to collapse into the sea, the

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7. 当我跟我的因纽特主人交谈时,他的妻子把北极狼皮和北美驯鹿皮堆在冰床上。
    While I was talking with my Inuit host, his wife piled Arctic wolf and caribou skins on the ice bed.

8. 当我跟我的因纽特主人交谈时,他的妻子把北极狼皮和北美驯鹿皮堆在冰床上。
    I was talking with my Inuit host, his wife piled Arctic wolf and caribou skins on the ice bed.

9. 冰床

9. 其原因估计是由于地球温暖化的影响造成冰床融解,导致了对地表压重减少的缘故。
    The reason is because estimates of the impact of global warming caused by melting ice sheets, leading to weight reduction for the sake of the surface pressure.

10. 北极熊只能在海面的冰床上猎取食物。
    Polar bears only hunt from ice platforms at sea.

11. 南极约98%覆盖着厚厚的大陆冰床,2%为光秃的岩石。南部是南极洲的冰冻陆地。
      There are about 98% thick continental ice sheet and 2% barren rock. The icy shores of Antarctica lie to the south.

12. 他们知道恐怖电影会吓到他们,冰床也不怎么舒服,培根冰淇淋也会吃起来怪怪的,但是概念消费会带来一种明显的收获。
      They know the movie will frighten them, the icy bed will be uncomfortable and the bacon ice-cream will be weird, but there is a clear payoff in conceptual consumption.

13. 冰床平均厚度是7200英尺,占地球总冰量90%、淡水70%。
      The average thickness of the ice sheet is 7, 200 feet; this amounts to 90% of all the ice and 70% of all the fresh water in the world.

14. 冰床

14. 南极约98%覆盖着厚厚的大陆冰床,2%为光秃的岩石。南部是南极洲的冰冻陆地。
      There are about 98 % thick continental ice sheet and 2 % barren rock. The icy shores of Antarctica lie to the south.

15. 冰床的反义词

15. 冰床平均厚度是7200英尺,占地球总冰量90%、淡水70%。
      The average thickness of the ice sheet is 7,200 feet; this amounts to 90 % of all the ice and 70 % of all the fresh water in the world.