

冷板凳[lěng bǎn dèng ]


词典an indifferent post冷板凳。

词典a cold reception

冷板凳 汉英大词典

冷板凳[lěng bǎn dèng]

(清闲冷落的职务) an indifferent post:


    hold a title without any obligations of office; be given a low job without much work

冷板凳 网络解释

1. 冷板凳在线翻译

1. cold stool; an indifferent post or a cold reception; cool one's heels:累进税率progressive tax rate | 冷板凳cold stool; an indifferent post or a cold reception; cool one's heels | 冷遇cold reception; indifferent treatment

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. The Benchwarmers:323 絕命終結站 3 Final Destination 3 2006.08.02 | 322 冷板凳 The Benchwarmers 2006.07.23 | 321 魔法褓姆-麥克菲 Nanny Mcphee 2006.07.21

3. dmx:dmwo 准绳 | dmx 冷板凳 | dmxe 困窘

冷板凳 双语例句

1. 冷板凳在线翻译

1. 本赛季大部分时间都坐在冷板凳上度过的沃顿,在一个月之前被重新放到先发阵容中,而且他在场上的虽时间不多但却给予球队不少贡献。
    After riding the pine for most of the season, Luke was re-inserted into the starting lineup about a month ago and was giving the Lakers valuable minutes.

2. 其原因是理论研究投入不足,座冷板凳的研究很难稳定队伍。
    The reason is the lack of theoretical research inputs, the study is running Block stability force.

3. 职业生涯的前40场比赛是在冷板凳上度过的
    The first 40 games of my career I sat on the bench.

4. 而你却很长时间让我做冷板凳
    You've had me on the bench for years.

5. 我的意思是,如果你们有萨米,索萨别让他做冷板凳
    I mean, if you got Sammy Sora, you don't bench him.

6. 职业生涯的前40场比赛是在冷板凳上度过的
    The frist 40 games of my career I sat on the bench.

7. 冷板凳的近义词

7. 做冷板凳当替补是很难的,但对我而言重要的是米兰获胜。
    It is difficult to sit on the bench as substitute, but what really counts for me is that Milan win.

8. 现在它就坐在冷板凳上。
    Right now it's on the back burner.

9. 冷板凳的翻译

9. 她坐了三年的冷板凳之后获得了一个政府里的职务。
    After three years in the wilderness she was given a government post.

10. 冷板凳是什么意思

10. 他在接待室里从冷板凳,足足等了半个钟头那位先生才肯接见他。
    He cooled his heels for a full half-hour in the anteroom before the gentleman would see him.

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. 我在等候室里足足坐了一个钟头冷板凳,才有人带我到他的办公室里。
      I spent a whole hour kicking my heels in the waiting room before I was shown into his office.

12. 冷板凳的解释

12. 他被从海军部调离且实则坐起了冷板凳
      He was removed from the Admiralty and effectively sidelined.

13. 第六局《冷板凳队》落后一分。
      It's sixth inning and the benchwarmers are down by one run.

14. danci.911chaxun.com

14. 自从新主帅法比奥卡佩罗来到号称“银河舰队”的皇马,这位31岁的中场队员就开始坐上了冷板凳
      The31-year-old midfielder has been unable to earn a starting job for the Galacticos under new coach Fabio Capello.

15. 冷板凳

15. 真难以置信,我会坐在人事部的冷板凳上听候小办事员的发落。埃德感叹道。
      I couldnt believe 1was sitting in front of some pipsqueak in humanresources needing their approval, Ed said.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. 用耐心把冷板凳坐热&长本领的简单办法是多读书。
      Warm your seat with your patience. & Reading more books is the simple way to achieve ability.

17. 埃弗拉的到来还意味着奥谢以及理查德森将坐稳“冷板凳”。
      Evra's arrival also means John O'Shea and Kieran Richardson will be shunted down the pecking order.

18. 冷板凳的近义词

18. 可是一旦他来了美国,情况就会变糟,他也不得不做冷板凳
      To bad when he comes to the states, he'll just be another guy warming the bench.

19. 冷板凳的意思

19. 埃文斯在周三魔术对尼克斯的比赛中上场6分钟仅得1分,而库克更惨,已经连续五场比赛做冷板凳了。
      Evans had one point in six minutes on Wednesday against New York, and Cook did not get onto the court for a fifth consecutive game.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. 亦要为这英国新来客坐一次冷板凳
      Had to take a back seat to the British newcomer.