

凄冷[qī lěnɡ]





凄冷 双语例句

1. 凄冷在线翻译

1. 用滚烫的热气换取凄冷的哀风?
    Hot air for a cool breeze?

2. 凄冷什么意思

2. 难道不知道风最萧杀,花最短暂,雪最凄冷,月最无常吗?
    Doesn't he know, wind is the chilliest, flowers are the shortest, snow is the coldest, and the moon changes quickest?

3. 深秋的夕阳,余辉静静的映照着脸庞,我无法迷茫,无法惆怅,没有夕阳里外婆的澎湖湾,没有岁月如歌、残阳如血的那份凄美,在玻璃窗子的后面,我仿佛感受到了秋风吹在身上的凄冷,仿佛看到了秋叶飘落的徘徊和无奈,是那样的无助,那样的漂泊不定。
    The setting sun of the deep autumn, the remaining 辉静静 shines upon the face, I can't be fond of the 茫, can't be disappointed, having no the setting sun grandmother the gulf of Peng-hu, have no the years, such as song, , sunset such as blood of that is sad but beautiful, behind in glass window, I imitate the 佛 feels the autumnal winds blows the 凄 in body cold, imitate the leaf that 佛 come in sight of on the prowl that autumn float fall with helpless, is that so to have no to help, so of drift on water the not certain.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 也许是误认为这灰暗的凄冷的天空为夜色的来袭,或是也预感到风雨的将至,遂过早地飞回它们温暖的木舍。
    Perhaps they mistook the darkness of this chilly, lowering sky for the onset of night, or perhaps they sensed the arrival of a storm, and so returned early to the warmth of their wooden pigeonry.

5. 凄冷在线翻译

5. 所有的只是对历山内蕴之美的追求和对摄影艺术的感悟,为此哪怕在凄冷的黎明等待日出,哪怕在昏暗的暮夜寻觅归途,哪怕在夏雨的滂沱中接受洗礼,哪怕在冬雪的陷坑里寻求营救,我都从未有过放弃。
    I keep feeling excited in the course of my finding the interior beauty of the mountain, and getting encouraged in my every further understanding of photographic art. I have never given any slightest thought to giving up whenever I was waiting for the sunrise in bitter cold, whenever I was trying to find my way out in the darkness, whenever I was bathing in pouring rains and whenever I was seeking help while trapped in deep snow.

6. 分不清窗前凄冷的光辉,是深秋夜里飘落的冰霜,还是一张空白的信笺,或是老母亲一头银色的白发。
    Can not tell whether the chilly cold glowing in front of the window was the falling ice frost in the deep night of autumn, or it was just a letter paper with nothing on it, or it was a head of silver white hairs of an old mama.

7. 杜:你拍的一些运货市场的景观,以及肉市收市的景观,都有一种凄冷的气氛在其中。
    Du: Some of your works are about cargo markets and closed meat markets. We can feel somethig dreary in them.

8. 我的脚步踏在长廊冰冷的石地上,发出孤独凄冷的清音。
    My footsteps tread on the ice-cold stony soil of the corridor to send out the lonely cold and dreary voiceless sound.

9. 入秋了,风凄冷地吹着,金黄色的榆叶飘零而落,散落在草地间,洒落在砾石小径上。
    It was autumn, and the wind was sad; and the golden elm leaves lay scattered about among the grass, and on the gravel path.

10. 似往日贞纯水晶的碎片,印记在男孩凄冷的心里。
    Like once a splinter of pure crystal, had left the boys heart cooled.

11. 在这凄冷的深秋,我又想起了远方的你。
      In the cold, late autumn, I miss you again from afar.

12. danci.911chaxun.com

12. 看到中国中产阶级的现状,笔者有一种沉于冰窖底部的凄冷和悲凉。
      Chinese middle class to see the current situation, there is a writer in Shenyang at the bottom of the icehouse Qileng and desolate.

13. 作为第一位专业的市民作家的柳永,他善于营构凄冷哀婉的氛围,其词多抒发浓郁的游子不遇情怀、悲秋感伤情绪,从而呈现出瘦冷的文化特征。
      His Ci usually expresses a strong feeling that scholars arent appreciated by their king, a sorrowful sense on grieving for autumn, and shows the thinness and coldness cultural feature.

14. 凄冷的解释

14. 一块石头,有没有生命中的凄冷与悲凉,它们长久的沉默是不是在表现着它们巨大的隐忍与恬淡;
      A stone, not in the life of the Qianling and desolate, their long silence is not in the performance of their huge Yinren and Tiantan;

15. 你天使般的微笑是我在凄冷冬日里的缕缕阳光;
      Your smile, like that of an angle, is my rays of sunshine in the bleak winter.

16. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

16. 如果说眼泪可以邮寄所有的故事,我却再无力支付昂贵的代价;飞翔是风筝的生命,而我是一只无力飞翔的风筝;终于,在某个凄冷的黄昏,我背着沉重的梦想跌落,收不拢的翅膀发出清脆的折断声,而我已感觉不到疼,如果说跌落的我注定,再无法温暖已逼近的秋,请让我保持着飞翔的姿势,守望,这曾经的曾经。
      If tears could mail all the stories, I was again unable to pay a high price; kite flying is life, and I was able to fly a kite; finally, in a cold at dusk, I dream of carrying a heavy fall, revenue and rope broken wings issued crisp sound, and I have not feel pain, if destined to fall, I then could not have been approaching warm autumn, please let me keep flying posture, watch it once had.

17. 幽禁于林中的火焰幻化成满树花朵。挣脱束缚后,不知羞的火焰在凄冷的灰烬里死去。
      The fire restrained in the tree fashions flowers. Released from bonds, the shameless flame dies in barren ashes. Selden had passed beyond all such conventional observances.

18. 凄冷的近义词

18. 因为没有“秋风秋雨愁煞人”的凄冷,秋是不完整的。
      Because there is no " Autumn Melancholy Sharen autumn, " the cold at Autumn is incomplete.

19. 凄冷的解释

19. 因为没有“秋风秋雨愁煞人”的凄冷,秋是不完整的。
      Because there is no " Autumn Melancholy Sharen autumn," the cold at Autumn is incomplete.

20. 凄冷是什么意思

20. 我绝不会在凄冷的夜里离你而去,但我知道总有一天
      At night, I`ll never leave your side, But I know someday