

凄寒[qī hán]


凄寒 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 这张脸乃是比北极海更凄寒的冷雾
    This is a face of bitter herbs, this an emetic, they need no label

2. 凄寒的近义词

2. 生命在为我歌唱着,有了你的存在,不管夜色多么的凄寒,我的心依旧因你而灿烂。
    In the life of singing with your presence, no matter how intense cold winter night, my heart still and as a result of your brilliant.

3. 凄寒什么意思

3. 她只是一个富有却可怜的小女孩,身裹皮草却仍感到凄寒入骨。
    She`s a poor little rich girl swaddled in fur and iced to the bone.

4. 因为人们总是在温暖的春天忽略还有冬天的存在,却总是在凄寒的冬日才想到春天的美好。
    Because people are always neglected in the warm spring, there is the existence of the winter, but always in mournful thought of cold winter's day was a beautiful spring.

5. 我起身来,十一月,凄寒倏忽袭来,萧瑟之意,漫上心来。
    I get up to November, the submission of the coming winter Qi, Xiaose means, to diffuse Shangxin.

6. 我历尽风霜,我受尽凄寒
    I`ve been through misery, I`ve been through suffering