

Ling lie;
凌冽 双语例句

1. 凌冽的近义词

1. 当然,冰雪覆盖的南极大陆由于极地周围凌冽的寒风以及其它一些气候因素使得它被严寒包裹,而且南极横贯山脉(TransantarcticMountains)以东的陆地甚至变得越来越冷。
    To be sure, the ice-sheathed continent is bathed in cold by fierce circumpolar winds and other climate factors and the lands east of the Transantarctic Mountains are getting even colder.

2. 在凌冽的暴风雪里,俄国说他们永远不会被奴役。
    In the realm of forest and snow, they said russia could never be tamed.