

凑份子[còu fèn zi]

词典club together协作。

凑份子 汉英大词典

凑份子[còu fèn zi]


club together (to present a gift to sb.):


    The boys in the class clubbed together to buy a football.

凑份子 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. club together:从粗放经济转变为集约经济shift from extensive economy to intensive economy | 凑份子club together | 粗放经营extensive management

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Whip-round:1. Whip-round 凑份子 | 2. arch rival 头号对手 | 3. overtime 加时赛

3. 凑份子的翻译

3. club together; go dutch:●punching bag出气筒 | ●club together; go dutch凑份子 | ●It's on me. This is my treat.我请客.

4. chip in:not even close 差得远呢 | 415.chip in 凑份子 | 416.get out 胡说,去你的

凑份子 双语例句

1. 我们决定凑份子为他买个圣诞礼物。
    We decided to chip to buy a Christmas gift for him.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 我们打算给彼得买一个生日礼物,你想凑份子吗?
    We want to buy a birthday present for Peter.

3. 凑份子

3. 这个班的男生们凑份子买了一个足球。
    The boys in the class clubbed together to buy a football.

4. 凑份子

4. 明天就是露茜的生日了,我们凑份子为她共置一份生日礼物,如何?
    Tomorrow is Lucy's birthday. Shall we do a whip-round to buy a joint present for her?

5. 我们大家凑份子帮父亲买了件礼物。
    We all chipped in and bought our father a present.

6. 我英语不好,所以,不和你凑份子了。
    My english no good, so no and you cou fen zi le

7. 凑份子是什么意思

7. 这次的钓鱼之旅,每人凑份子200元作为比赛的奖金。
    On the fishing trip, everyone chipped in $200 for the derby.

8. 凑份子的反义词

8. 为办公室清洁工凑份子
    A whip-round for the office cleaners.

9. 凑份子的反义词

9. 我们凑份子给安妮买了离别礼物。
    We had a whip-roundfor Annie's leaving present.

10. 凑份子许多美国办公室有为新生儿降临、新人结婚、生日和其他喜庆的场合凑钱买礼品的习俗。
    Collections it is the custom in many American offices to take up collections to buy presents for births, weddings, birthdays, and other happy occasions.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. 工作单位里凑份子的事情太多了,如果你要发愁,就什么活儿也干不了了。
      There are so many collections at work that if you fret about them all you'll never get any work done.

12. 凑份子

12. 那些认识送礼对象想多给钱的人可以多给,但对于办公室凑份子活动,谁也没必要非得给多于一两元。
      Those who know the person and want to give more money may, but no one should ever feel obliged to give more than a dollar or two to an office collection.

13. 凯特要调到其他部门去工作了,所以大家想凑份子给她买个送别礼物。
      Kate is getting transfered to another department, and we are all chipping in to buy her a going-away present.