1. 几希的翻译
1. 古代畏兽画,赖以保存者几希」,今日读者熟见的山海经图多是明清时期的绘画本。
Up-today we have too few of the original'Pictures reflecting on scare beasts', all of those were portraits in Ming and Qing Dynasty.
2. 几希是什么意思
2. 这种文化传统,虽然尚不成熟,但它的灵魂―带有人文主义色彩的价值观念,已经为那个时代打上了深刻的烙印,而它本身也未因朝代更迭、世道盛衰而终止,虽几希一线,终绵延不绝。正是这种绵延不绝的文化递进,为19世纪中叶以后中国近代化的全面启动,提供了原始的但却是必不可少的文化基础。
This cultural tradition was with the Humanist character, although it was not very mature, it made a deep impression of that time, furthermore, it had been lasting for a long time until after the mid of 19th century provided the original and necessary cultural foundation'of the comprehensive starting of the modernization of China.