

凶多吉少[xiōng duō jí shǎo]


词典be fraught with grim possibilities多凶少吉;凶多吉少。

词典bode ill rather than well多凶少吉;凶多吉少。


词典forbode disasters rather than blessings凶多吉少。

词典more ominous than propitious凶多吉少。

凶多吉少 汉英大词典

凶多吉少[xiōng duō jí shǎo]

be fraught with grim possibilities; bode ill rather than well; forbode disasters rather than blessings; more ominous than propitious; not a good omen but an evil one; the odds are against us rather than in our favor

凶多吉少 网络解释

1. to be fraught with grim possibilities; not a good sign at all:四面楚歌 to be in a tight corner; to be besieged on all sides | 凶多吉少to be fraught with grim possibilities; not a good sign at all | 费力不讨好 a thankless effort

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. behind the eight ball:boutique 精品店 | behind the eight ball 凶多吉少 | kick the bucket 死翘翘

3. EVERTON v Sporting:Hertha Berlin v Benfica,柏林赫塔ms还在降级区,建议及早从欧洲赛... | EVERTON v Sporting,埃佛顿跟葡超卯上了,小组小两负本菲卡,如今遇到竞技,凶多吉少! | FC Twente v Werder Bremen,无悬念,德甲的不莱梅是给德甲挣...