

凸露 双语例句

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1. 通过每天在体育馆锻炼几小时他的二头肌凸露明显。
    He has bulging biceps from spending hours at the gym every day.

2. 到傍晚时分,虽然畦地的沟沿仍凸露了一道道深褐色的痕迹,墨绿的麦苗也不曾遮去,可是田野纵横的阡陌,以及汽车跑着的大道,已是被白雪覆盖严实了。
    Into the evening, although the stretch of land Gouyan still convex exposed by a dark-brown traces of dark green of the wheat seedling does not have completely obscure, but the vertical and horizontal fields of terraced rice paddies, as well as the car ran the Avenue, is a snow-covered JANSEN.

3. 坐在凸露的岩石边缘绝对是很刺激并且危险的,但是你看到的风景却是棒棒哒。
    Sitting on the edge of the outcropping is absolutely breathtaking and risky, but the view you get to see once you reach the spot is amazing.