



出街 网络解释

1. bmtf:出便 bmwg | 出街 bmtf | 出嚟 bmkt

2. 出街的翻译

2. Haging Out:Sms N Talk On Phone 信息与通电话 | Haging Out 出街 | Travel 旅游

3. 出街的意思

3. I-Going out for fun:H-Playing mahjong 打麻雀 (11) | I-Going out for fun 出街 (40) | J-Extreme timeslot 天地堂 (82)

4. danci.911cha.com

4. chujie.net:chujie.net 出街 | feicai.net 废材 | shajun.net 杀菌

出街 双语例句

1. 丽芙·泰勒出街的行头相当朴素,紫色格子衬衣和前夫的格子大衣暗暗呼应,破洞牛仔裤,褐色棉麻围巾,脚上的蓝色平底鞋颇有点像中国农村手纳的千层底布鞋。
    Liv Tyler out to the streets of the line of the first very simple, purple checked shirt and her ex-husband secretly lattice coat echoed hole in jeans, brown cotton and linen scarf, a blue flat shoes feet rather like a Chinese rural Kadena shoes at the end of the Melaleuca.

2. 一年四季﹐最爱是夏季﹐一件无袖 T-恤﹐一条短衭﹐再拖著一双平底凉鞋出街﹐无抠无束﹐多麼写意自在﹗感觉上夏季总是来得迟去得早﹔而我最讨厌的冬天﹐却常常是早早地来又不肯离去的
    Thursday, 10-26-2006Summer is my favorite, as I can roam around with just wearing a thin shirt, a pair of shorts and sandles, simple and easy! Somehow I always feel summer months run too short, and the winter months just drag on forever!

3. 阿梅最嬲系话佢冇接受化疗,其实阿梅有定时接受化疗,亦有出街,好似昨日都有坐自己架车,冇拉窗帘、冇遮冇挡咁出入,但都冇人发现,记者影唔到就话阿梅冇接受化疗,希望大家畀阿梅安静咁治疗啦!
    The angriest one is the allegation of having no radio therapy treatment. Ah Mui, in fact, has received the treatment on schedule. She was also out. such as she was out yesterday at her car without curtain, but no one discovered. The reporters claimed Ah Mui had not undergone the treatment when they were unable to take the photographs. Hope everyone let Ah Mui get her treatment peacefully.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 洛涛居北区开卖时,我们已想好了广告主题,但广告还没出街,便有地铁三号线确定的消息传出,进入番禺区的第一站便是洛溪新城,北区因而很快出手。
    Luotaoju North to sell, we want to have a good advertising theme, but advertising has a Street subway commuters were identified news that the first leg is entering Panyu District Luoxi Metro, North and quickly hit.

5. 4月23日,清华坊的形象广告首次出街,当日早上8:00多,就有数十辆小车开进来睇楼,据清华坊董事长涂志明介绍,首批推出的90多套单位已认购了一部分,5月1日将正式开售。
    April 23, the university's image advertising for the first time a Square Street, on the morning of multi-8:00, there were dozens of trolleys to join tours, according to chairman Tu Mei Qinghua Square briefing, the first introduced more than 90 units have been part of the subscription, May 1 will be officially opened on.

6. 出街的近义词

6. 星期五晚上,妈妈好古怪咁带o左SA SA 出街。。。。。。。
    Last Friday night, Mum took SA SA out without me.......

7. 你也许已经知道「四大天王」的DVD正式出街了,有两个版本,一个是普通装,一个是导演特别剪辑版,包括有三级声道和收集了我们不少珍藏的相簿。
    There are two versions, the regular version and the director's cut with a bunch of special features, the cat III audio track and a cool book full of photos from our exploits.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 这款出街时的红唇妆装扮,似乎看起来更加生活化一些,颜色也不是太过耀眼,在生活中很实用。
    The red-lipped when they go out makeup and costumes seemed to look more to people's lives some, the color is not too bright, very practical in life.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 尖叫出街的回答:我觉得我最强烈的资产是我的能力,坚持的东西,让他们去做。
    I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done.

10. 出街

10. 关于foot的成语还有很多,不写了,我要出街了。
    I`m sorry I missed your birthday, it completely slipped my mind.

11. 我想出街
      I want to go out.

12. 于是他出街了。
      And he went out.

13. 1-我不要彩你了,以后都不叫你出街了 etc etc。。。
      Can you imagine? Just bypass the grandmother's story.

14. 如果你比她聪明,她根本不有愿意跟你出街
      If u are SMARTER than her, she'll lose FACE

15. 最后出街的才值得买。
      Only the version that is to be released is worth buying.

16. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

16. 让我睇睇我们可唔可以出先﹐如果冇水浸我们就可以出街行吓﹐他们话今日出就系因为要去买我的生日礼物。。。
      Let me see if I can go out first, if there's no inundation over the parking place then we'll be able to go out for a walk on the mall, they say that we're going out to buy my birthday gift...

17. 我们的富家女希尔顿的红唇妆出镜频率还是很高的,不管在出街还是出席正式场合,她都会以自己喜欢的红唇妆容登场。
      Paris Hilton Our rich girl Paris Hilton Lip makeup is still very high frequency of appearance, whether in or out to the streets to attend formal occasions, she would like Lip own makeup debut.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

18. 出街一定要拖实我,因为我唔识过马路,仲会荡失路。
      Pls hold me tightly when we out, because I don'know how to cross road and lost myself.

19. 出街的翻译

19. 房屋楼上临街的一面,特设洪水时人出街入市使用的活动板门,称作水门。
      The Water Gates are for use of residents to come in and out during flood time.

20. 这两位一线明星今天出街都穿的很随意,儿子弗林则穿着皮夹克,牛仔裤配蓝色运动鞋潮味十足。
      Both A-listers dressed down for their day out while little Flynn was the most stylish of them all, clad in a leather jacket and turn up jeans with blue trainers.