



分判 双语例句

1. 各级员工和分判商须要全心支持公司的综合管理体系,并全力认真执行。
    The objectives are used to measure the implementation performance of the Integrated Management System.

2. 小太极----是以每间房间之中心点立极下罗盘,分判八方位论吉凶。
    Small tai chi is the center of each room, under extremely compass legislation, sub-eight position on the good and bad.

3. 设施,提供包括存放分判商的详细资料和业绩指标,及评审工作的工具,协助估计在选择报价为某一投标。
    The facilities that are provided include repositories of sub-contractor details and performance indicators, and adjudication tools that assist estimators in selecting quotes for a particular tender.

4. 分判

4. 承建商须确保透过对分判商在工地上的安全表现的监察,分判商实在地将承建商拟订的安全标准付诸实践。
    The contractor should ensure through monitoring the sub-contractors'safety performance on site, usually through the Safety Officer, that sub-contractors are in fact delivering in practice the standards which the contractor seeks.

5. 承建商,尤其是与专业分判商之间的长期夥伴关系,促使双方为良好的安全水平努力,制定工作安全的有效方法,以及培养工地的相互职责。
    Longer term partnership between contractor and, particularly, specialist sub-contractors enable both parties to work to good safety standards, to formulate effective means of working safely, and to develop a proper understanding of the reciprocal duties and responsibilities which exist on site.

6. 分判的意思

6. 其次,是有惯例将分判工作再分多重转判。
    Secondly there is the practice of subletting of a sub-contract through a number of layers.

7. 因此,有必要探讨有关分判商的安全标准的充裕程度或在其他情况下所涉及的法律问题。
    It is necessary therefore to explore the adequacy or otherwise of the law in relation to the sub-contractor's safety standards.

8. 分判

8. 在无充分监察分判商表现之情况下,引致在索具装配及起重操作过程中雇用了未受训练及缺乏经验的操作员及讯号员。
    The monitoring on the performance of the sub-contractors was also inadequate, resulting in the employment of untrained and inexperienced riggers and signaller in rigging and lifting operations.

9. 总承建商及分判商如能认识到对其相互职责与责任在法律上有较明确的定义将有所得益。
    Both principal contractor and sub-contractor stand to gain from a clearer definition in law of their mutual duties and responsibilities.