

切记[qiè jì]

词典be sure to keep in mind切记。

词典be sure to remember切记。

词典must always remember切记。

切记 汉英大词典

切记[qiè jì]

be sure to keep in mind; be sure to remember; must always remember:


    Mind what you're told.

切记 网络解释

1. 切记

1. Keep that in mind:31. Let's get to the point./don't beat around the bush.别拐弯抹角,打开天窗说亮话. | 32. Keep that in mind.切记. | 33. That was a close call.侥幸.

2. Bear in mind:350. Kick out 逐出 | 351. Bear in mind 切记 | 352. Make up 完成;弥补

3. 切记

3. Don't you know:So when you're feeling like you can't go on 所以,当你感到山穷水尽时 | Don't you know 切记 | You never walk alone no 你不是孤单一人在旅行

4. Remember that:This will not suffice.|推卸不得! | Remember that.|切记! | I will.|我会的