

刑克 双语例句

1. 如果火星或水星刑克7宫主星,且比其更强有力,盘主可能毒害其妻子或敌人,特别是当其妻子或敌人的上升都没有力量时。
    When Mars or Mercury afflict the Lord of the Seventh, being elevated above him, the Native will kiss his wife or his enemy, even though it be wit poison, especially if either of them have power in the Ascendant.

2. 凶星刑克代表孩子的宫位,如果其只是轻微弱势,盘主可能会有孩子;如果弱势较明显,盘主的小孩会夭折;如果相当弱势,那么盘主不会有小孩。
    Infortunes afflicting the place of children, if they be buta little weak, the Native may have children, if much debilitated, the children he has will die, if they be very weak he be whollybarren.

3. 如果火星或水星刑克7宫主星,且比其更强有力,盘主可能毒害其妻子或敌人,特别是当其妻子或敌人的上升都没有力量时。
    When Mars or Mercury afflict the Lord of the Seventh, beingelevated above him, the Native will kiss his wife or his enemy, even though it be wit poison, especially if either of them havepower in the Ascendant.

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4. 凶星刑克代表孩子的宫位,如果其只是轻微弱势,盘主可能会有孩子;如果弱势较明显,盘主的小孩会夭折;如果相当弱势,那么盘主不会有小孩。
    Infortunes afflicting the place of children, if they be but a little weak, the Native may have children, if much debilitated, the children he has will die, if they be very weak he be wholly barren.

5. 如果这个时候月亮被刑克,会造成很多理解力方面的问题,并伤害心理健康。
    And sometimes when she is in the Ascendant, but generally she makes them fools if she be afflicted.

6. 月十宫的人可能会不太排斥权力人物对自己的干涉当月亮没有受到刑克时,或者不是天蝎之类。
    Throughout his life the person with the Moon in H10 tends to be impressed, both by people with status and seniority and those who have power over him by dint of the hold they have on his emotions.

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7. 凶星位于四角代表公众场合死亡或是突然死亡;如果太阳落四角,受刑克,代表死于某种武器或是燃烧/火灾;如果是月亮,则代表绞刑、溺死。
    The infortunes in Angles denote a public death or a sudden one; the Sun there, afflicted, it shall be by some weapon, or burning~ the Moon, by hanging, or drowning, according to circumstances.

8. 刑克

8. 当生命主,白天的太阳,夜里的月亮被刑克,主其人将非常担心害怕。
    When the Sun in the daytime, and the Moon in the night, in the beginning of any sickness, is impedited, the person is to be feared.