

Liu Zheng;
刘桢 双语例句

1. 刘桢的意思

1. 东汉末年,北方一大批文学家,如曹操、曹丕、曹植、王粲、刘桢、陈琳、徐干、蔡文姬、邯郸淳等,他们聚集在铜雀台,用自己的笔直抒胸襟,慷慨任气,抒发渴望建功立业的雄心壮志;闵时悼乱,反映社会现实和人民群众的悲惨生活,掀起了我国诗歌史上文人创作的第一个高潮。
    In the Eastern Han dynasty, the North a large number of writers, such as Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, Wang Can, Liu Zhen, Chen Lin, Xu dry, Cai Wenji, Handan sun and so on, they gathered in Dongjak Taiwan to express their own straight-minded, generous-permanent gas, desire to express the ambition to perform meritorious deeds; Min time Mourning arbitrary, reflecting the social reality and people's tragic life, set off in the history of our poetry writers created the first high tide. han xian di at a time because of their age Jian'an, so future generations as Jian'an literature.

2. 刘桢是什么意思

2. 因为良好的文学环境和自身的文学才华,在建安十三年至建安二十五年这十三年期间,以曹丕为文学领袖,以曹植、王粲、陈琳、徐斡、刘桢、应瑒、阮瑀等人为主干,游园宴饮,吟诗作赋,同题共作,书信往来,切磋技艺,探讨文道。
    During the period from the 13th to 25 year of the reign of Jian an, because of the good condition as well as their talents in literature, the group including Caopi as the leader, Caozhi, Wangcan, Chenlin, Xugan, Liuzhen, Yingyang and Ruanyu the chief, composed poetry and...