

初生之犊[chū shēng zhī dú]

词典newborn calf初生之犊。

词典bobby calf初生之犊。

初生之犊 汉英大词典

初生之犊[chū shēng zhī dú]

newborn calf:


    Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. -- Young people are fearless.; Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.; Newborn calves make little [light] of tigers.; The newborn calf fears no tigers.

初生之犊 网络解释

1. bobby calf:bobble 轻摇 | bobby calf 初生之犊 | bobby sox 短袜

2. The Substitutes:1.09 Brain Drain 暴走小聰明 | 1.10 The Substitutes 初生之犢 | 1.11 Chain of Command 行動救星

3. Fearless Match:[1994] 山雞變鳳凰 Don't shoot me, I'm just a violinist | [1994] 初生之犢 Fearless match | [1994] 夢差人 Cop image

4. Absolute Beginners:铁面神探 Mighty Quinn, The (1989) | 初生之犊 Absolute Beginners (1986) | 泰山王子 Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984)