



词典very good很好;大好。

刮刮叫 网络解释

1. 刮刮叫

1. Thumbs up:thumb through 翻阅一遍 | Thumbs down! 差劲儿; 不中用; 表示反对或拒绝的手势 | Thumbs up! 刮刮叫, 好哇, 要得; 别灰心!

刮刮叫 双语例句

1. 刮刮叫是什么意思

1. 你清楚我刮刮叫,我真棒
    You know l'm smooth, l'm bad

2. 刮刮叫

2. 现在,最好先在这儿把这银行的情况介绍一下,那就更容易把事情搞清楚了。这座刮刮叫的英国国家银行似乎非常信任顾客公众的人格。
    Let it be observed that the Bank of England reposes a touching confidence in the honesty of the public.

3. 说真话这头刮刮叫的大象也实在叫人留恋。
    Passepartout was wrapped in uneasy dreams of the bouncing of the day before.

4. 我爱天文不得了,迟早你总会知道:将来我当宇航员,一定干得刮刮叫
    I like my hobby very much./ So certainly you can see/ That the pilot on a rocketship/ I hope that I can be.

5. 后来我把它驯练成一个刮刮叫的套马手。
    Turned out to be one of the best roping horses I ever had.

6. 刮刮叫赞同、成功或希望的表示。
    An expression of approval, success, or hope.