制艺[zhì yì]
eight-part essay
1. 我爱拍摄大自然,但如果我采用了最后的影像这些就会出现在我的雕塑和装制艺术中。
I love to photograph nature, but they only transcend when I use the resulting photographs within a sculpture or installation.
2. danci.911chaxun.com
2. 在散文创作上,他的对策与制艺代表了当时考试文体的最高成就,能注意联系社会现实,旁征博引经史子集,有感而发,较少书生空谈。
As for the creation of essays, his strategies and creative arts represented the highest achievement at that time, he attached importance to social reality, quoted copiously from many classics, exploded from his true feeling with less empty talk.
3. 911查询·英语单词
3. 现制艺术水磨石地面的施工技术
Construction technology of cast-in-place art terrazzo floor
4. 制艺的解释
4. 尽管他因此闻名天下,但让他引以为豪的,却是他那数量位居全球之冠的日本明治时期艺术品收藏,以及他的西班牙金属嵌制艺术品和瑞典古代纺织品收藏。
Although he is best known for that, he is proud of having the world's largest collection of Japanese Meiji art and of his collections of Spanish Damascene and antique Swedish textiles.