



词典a sound produced by a quick-sliding action刺啦。

刺啦 双语例句

1. 一声细小的刺啦声,黑暗突然被一根火柴照亮了。
    There was a soft scratching noise, and suddenly the darkness was illuminated by the fire of a match.

2. 他用力一扯,那块布被刺啦一下扯了下来。
    He pulled the cloth and it came away with a rasping sound.

3. 那煎鸡蛋的“刺啦”声袅袅升起,空气中开始充斥着稚嫩的童音、汽车启动的节奏、夫妻间甜蜜的道别,还有邻居们简单朴素的问好。
    The sizzling noise of making fried eggs begins to roll up. The air is filled with tender voices of young children, the rhythm when the motor vehicle is started, sweet farewells between couples, and plain greetings among neighbors.

4. 到了黎明,侏儒的双腿疼痛得要命而脸颊擦伤更是刺啦啦的。
    By dawn the dwarf's legs were aching and his cheeks were chafed and raw.