



词典be ordered men who keep their plaits to cut off it clearly in ten days in second years of the Emperor Shunzhi

剃发令 双语例句

1. 而这一切,都十分有利于政府对于乡村的全面控制,因此剃发令的推行、文字狱的罗织、民间信仰的严密控制都不会阻碍乡村社会经济的正常发展,而发生于其间的民众反抗事件,无论是针对官方,还是对乡绅,都在某种程度上推进了社会的进程。
    The enforcement of the decree of haircutting, the imprisonment of literary inquisitions and the suppression of folk beliefs could did nothing seriously to impede the normal socioeconomic development. At the same time, people`s rebellions, aimed either at the authorities or at landlords, pushed forward social development to some degree.

2. 剃发令的反义词

2. 基于这种结症,在剃发令推行过程中,不同的人群,不同的地域体现出了不同的心理特征。
    Because of this notion, in the implementation process of tonsure command, different people and different regional had different psychological characteristics.