



词典front porch前沿。

前肩 网络解释

1. fore shoulder:fore deep 前渊 | fore shoulder 前肩 | fore 前部

前肩 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 我有一个大大的头,前肩上面有个隆起和一个尖锐突出的角。
    I have a massive head, a hump over my front shoulders and sharply pointed horns.

2. 前肩的意思

2. 对前端反过来,你的头必须寻找自己的前肩,因为你的胸部必须是平行的局。
    On frontside turn, your head must look over your front shoulder, because your chest must be parrallel to your board.

3. 前肩的意思

3. 这有可能帮助前肩自耻骨联合下娩出。这种方法也可在已预测到难产的情况下使用。
    This can be done in a lateral direction to help dislodge the anterior shoulder from behind the pubic symphysis.

4. 这有可能帮助前肩自耻骨联合下娩出。这种方法也可在已预测到难产的情况下使用。
    This can be done in a lateraldirection to help dislodge the anterior shoulder from behind thepubic symphysis.

5. 前肩的意思

5. 慢慢地卷曲的重量最多的前肩,同时保持躯干,上臂和肘部仍。
    Slowly curl the weight up to the front of shoulder while keeping the torso, upper arm and elbow still.

6. 前肩的解释

6. 从A点开始沿着前中心线和衣领缝合一裁剪到前肩颈点停止。
    Starting from point A cut along the CF and halfway around the neck seam.

7. 慢慢旋转身体的上半部分和横衍,前肩指向滑板尾部。
    Slowly rotate your upper body and rig so your front shoulder turns toward the nose of the board.

8. 在1:08秒我们对比弗兰克和我的双反动作,象弗兰克一样,在完成转体和转肩后,我利用手臂和肩部将去球拍直接后摆,我通过我的前肩注视来球,同时身体侧对球网。
    At 1:08 we compare my two-handed backhand to Frank`s. Just like Frank, having completed my pivot and shoulder turn I use my arms and my shoulders to get the racket all the way back. I`m looking over my front shoulder and the tennis ball and my body is sideways.

9. 从A点开始沿着前中心线和衣领缝合一裁剪到前肩颈点停止。
    Starting from point A cut along the CF and halfway around the neck seam. Stop before the front shoulder neck point.

10. 保持前肩打开,就像衬衫挂在衣架上而不是挂在挂钩上。
    Keep the fronts of the shoulders open like a shirt on a hanger, instead of a shirt on a peg.

11. 对照组100例,在胎儿前肩娩出后臀部肌肉注射缩宫素10IU,观察产后2h内的出血量。
      The contrasts were given 101U oxytocin immediately after the delivery of anterior shoulder of the fetus intramuscularly. The amount of bleeding within 2 hours postpartum was measured.