

剧终[jù zhōng]




词典the end剧终。

剧终 汉英大词典

剧终[jù zhōng]

the end; curtain

剧终 网络解释

1. End credits:11 别外一个真实的世界 The real world beyond | 12 剧终 End credits | 相关资料 - Relate Materials

2. The end:10. Gregorian Anthem 格雷戈里颂歌 | 12. The end 剧终 | 13. IN the shadows 在阴影里

3. End credit:15 反反复复 Over and over | 16 别外一个真实的世界 The real world beyond | 17 剧终 End credit

4. The play ends:Big Wolf:Oh.My God!My tail hurts.(噢. 我的天啊!我的尾巴受伤了. ) | Mother Rabbit:My clever children.(我的乖孩子们. ) | The play ends(剧终)

剧终 双语例句

1. 剧终在线翻译

1. 在剧终前,没有人知道这戏是喜剧或悲剧,所以
    In the forestall end, nobody sawy this is comedy or tragedy, so

2. 5月,在美国连续播放10年的热门情景喜剧《六人行》剧终。当长达1个小时的《六人行》终结篇在NBC电视台播出时,剧迷们忍不住聚集在时代广场落泪。
    The seemingly-perfect marriage of David and Victoria Beckham was rocked by allegations that the England captain had conducted an affair with his former assistant, Rebecca Loos, inset.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 下赛季阿尔上演他剧终余兴设置在小剧院,干草的歌剧,歌剧或汤姆拇指大。
    The next season Arne staged his afterpiece setting The Opera of Operas, or Tom Thumb the Great at the Little Theatre in the Haymarket.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 剧终时,汉姆莱特杀死凶手,为父亲报了仇。
    At the end of the play, Hamlet avenged his father's death upon the murderer.

5. 剧终什么意思

5. 所有一切都是均等的。当你完成你所承担的部分而剧终时,最终的帷幕将降下。
    When you have acted out your part and the play is over, allow the final curtain to come down on it.

6. 剧终的反义词

6. 剧终时他很高兴,因为她与一个很好的年轻人结了婚。
    At the end of the play he was very happy because she married a good young man.

7. 剧终的近义词

7. 我看完了电影,并且,正如我所想,在剧终后感觉心情更差了。
    I watched the movie and, as expected, felt even worse after it was finished.

8. 剧终的意思

8. 可是,我们的故事没有剧终
    Therefore, I do not sad, I don't cry.

9. 剧终时所有的灯都亮了。
    When the play ended, all the lights lit up.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 他在剧终前说了一句好像是 Freedom!
    He was like, Freedom!, at the end of the movie.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 经过不断分分合合的焦灼,这对情侣在第二季剧终时浪漫订婚并准备在第三季走红毯。
      After much on-again, off-again angst, the couple capped off season 2 with a romantic engagement and are ready to walk down the aisle in season 3.

12. 中国歌剧研究会对“中国歌剧终身成就荣誉”的评选进行了慎重、周密、严格的组织工作。
      Chinese Opera Research Institute will organize the selecting and voting for the award in a careful and strict way.

13. 剧终

13. 剧终之后他们请求编剧和大家见面。
      After the play they called for the author to show himself.

14. 剧终后演员们谢幕达五次之多。
      After the play the actors and actresses took five curtain calls.

15. 此声音宣读剧本和作者的名称,注入解说词,以及列出剧终感谢。
      This voice announces the name of the play and the writer, injects commentary, and lists the end credits.

16. 配角们一直伴随全片直到剧终,甚至是纽约市长迈克尔彭博也顺便露了个脸。
      The cameos keep coming until the end, with even Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg dropping by.

17. 但您已经付出了这么多、历了许多世才开创了今天这个局面,如果在电影剧终之前离开实在是一个遗憾。
      But you've come this far, and after many, many lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

18. 台风来临的几天,几乎所有的室外活动都停止了,可是,唯独那场室外舞剧终是热闹非凡。
      The typhoon comes a few days, almost all of the outdoor activities are stopped, but, but the end is very busy outdoor dance.

19. 剧终什么意思

19. 剧终后,莱温斯基从手袋里摸索出纸巾。
      The play concluded, and Ms. Lewinsky fumbled through her purse for a tissue.

20. XML数据包含演员表、字幕和剧终感谢、一系列用作效果的文件,以及每个人物的台词(对白)。
      The XML data contains the cast list, the title and credits, a list of files to use for effects, and each character's lines (the dialogue).