

剪烛[jiǎn zhú]


剪烛 双语例句

1. 剪烛催干消夜酒,倾囊分遍买春钱。
    Scissors candle drying midnight snack of wine over the prostitution money purse points.

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2. 蜡烛、蜡形灯、灯、烛台、街灯、剪烛心用的剪子、灭火器以及动物油、松香、酒精诸多生产厂商,总之是任何与照明有关的商家提交给议会代表的请愿书
    Petition of the Manufacturers of Candles, Waxlights, Lamps, Candlesticks, Street Lamps, Snuffers, Extinguishers, and of the Producers of Oil Tallow, Rosin, Alcohol, and, Generally, of Everything Connected with Lighting.

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3. 什么时候能够和你团聚在西窗下,一起剪烛芯,那时再来谈谈这个巴山夜雨的时刻。
    When we shall be able to trim wicks again, together in your western window, I would talk to you about this moment of night rain in Sichuan.