

Over the top of brain;
劈头盖脑 双语例句

1. 劈头盖脑的近义词

1. 锤子自然不客气地干它该干的事,马上开始劈头盖脑地打魔鬼,打他的脚,他的耳朵,他的前额,他的鼻子,他的角,他的尾巴,他的脑壳,他的肚子。
    It pounded his hooves and his ears, his forehead and his nose; the hammer pounded the Devil on his horns and on his tail: it pounded his skull and hit him in the stomach.

2. 锤子自然不客气地干它该干的事,马上开始劈头盖脑地打魔鬼,打他的脚,他的耳朵,他的前额,他的鼻子,他的角,他的尾巴,他的脑壳,他的肚子。
    Old John's hammer, of course, did what it was supposed to do and began to pound the Devil all a bout his head and body. It pounded his hooves and his ears, his forehead and his nose; the hammer pounded the Devil on his horns and on his tail; it pounded his skull9 and hit him in the stomach.

3. 我估计他会立刻把我遣送回温哥华,还会劈头盖脑地骂我一顿。
    I expect him to send me back to Vancouver at once and with curses on my head as well.

4. 劈头盖脑的解释

4. 她们就像这样劈头盖脑地向你提出各种问题。
    The way they spring those questions on you.

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5. 那老头把我们劈头盖脑地大骂了一顿。
    The old man hailed down curses on our heads.

6. 劈头盖脑的近义词

6. 发出啸声的巨浪的浪峰劈头盖脑地向你袭来。
    The hissing crest of the huge wave bites at your shoulder.

7. 让他们顺利地抵达沙姆舍沃村,在那里,他和多洛霍夫一道进行袭击。多洛霍夫按约在傍晚时分来到离沙姆舍沃村一里多路的看林人的小屋商谈,预计次日黎明行动,两面夹击,像雪崩一样打他个劈头盖脑,歼灭运输队并缴获全部物资。
    They wanted to avoid frightening them, and to let them go quietly on to Shamshevo, and then, joining Dolohov (who was to come that evening to a trysting-place in the wood, a verst from Shamshevo, to concert measures with them), from two sides to fall at dawn like an avalanche of snow on their heads, and to overcome and capture all of them at a blow.

8. 劈头盖脑是什么意思

8. 锤子自然不客气地干它该干的事,马上开始劈头盖脑地打魔鬼,打他的脚,他的耳
    Old John's hammer, of course, did what it was supposed to do and began to pound the Devil all about his head and body. It pounded his hooves and his

9. 劈头盖脑是什么意思

9. 鬼拖了进去,劈头盖脑地抽打起来,只见魔鬼两脚乱蹬,只听见他又气又恼又痛苦的嚎
    He bush, of course, yanked the Devil inside and began to thrash him with all

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10. 为某事挨了一顿大骂.那老头把我们劈头盖脑地大骂了一顿。
    Get a terrible blowing-up for sth The old man hailed down curses on our heads.

11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

11. 这座山巨大无比,大到他们简直看不到峰顶。发出啸声的巨浪的浪峰劈头盖脑地向你袭来。
      It was big & so big they could not even see the peak. The hissing crest of the huge wave bites at your shoulder.