

力不胜任[lì bú shèng rèn]


词典be unequal to one's task力不胜任;力不能及。


词典without the required ability to do sth.力不胜任。

力不胜任 汉英大词典

力不胜任[lì bú shèng rèn]

be unequal to one's task; incompetent; without the required ability to do sth.:


    It was evident that her physical strength could not support her strenuous task.

力不胜任 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 为了弥补这一缺陷,华语教学出版社计划采取量力而行的方针,选择一些传统文化经典逐步翻译出版,《大学》便是其中之一,华语教学出版社蔡希勤先生把今译的任务交给了我,书的篇幅虽然不大,翻译难度却不小,深感力不胜任,三辞不果,只好从命,然而如临如履,无任慌恐。
    Scholars who only speak foreign language, and Chinese scholars who study and work abroad complain that Chinese pays too little attention to the translation of ancient works of Chinese culture.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 我看是某个背运倒霉的辩护人硬把一个案件塞给他承办了,他朦朦胧胧地感到自己力不胜任,这就落到愚不可及的境地里去了。
    I suppose the unhappy creature has had a brief forced upon him by some evil-starred attorney, and is sinking into a state of imbecility from a dim consciousness of his own incompetence.

3. 繁重的工作显然使她有些力不胜任
    It was evident that her physical strength could not support her strenuous task.

4. 力不胜任的近义词

4. 这件工作是我力不胜任的。
    The task is beyond my strength.

5. 力不胜任在线翻译

5. 干这事我力不胜任
    To do it is beyond my ability.

6. 如果我们选择了力不胜任的职业,那么我们决不能把它做好,我们很快就会自愧无能,并对自己说,我们是无用的人,是不能完成自己使命的社会成员。
    If we choose the force is not competent professional, then we will never be able to do it well, we will soon feel ashamed of incompetence, and said to myself, we are useless people who are unable to complete its mission and members of society.

7. 力不胜任

7. 干这事我力不胜任
    To do this beyond my ability.

8. 所以同胞们,我要讲的是为了国家我们不能好逸恶劳。繁重的工作显然使她有些力不胜任
    I preach to you, then, my countrymen, that our country calls not for the life of ease, but for the life of strenuous endeavour

9. 如果我们选择了力不胜任的职业,那么我们决不能把它做好,我们很快就会自愧无能,并对自己说,我们是无用的人,是不能完成自己使命的社会成员。
    BgcolorIf we choose the force is notcompetent professional, then we will never be able to do it well, we will soon feel ashamed of incompetence, and said to myself, weare useless people who are unable to complete its mission andmembers of society.

10. 认为,最好是立即放弃这次冒险,因为他们力不胜任
    Abandon the enterprise at once, as beyond their strength.