

力牧 网络解释

1. 力牧是什么意思

1. li mu:力命 li ming | 力牧 li mu | 连珠 lian zhu

2. 力牧

2. lIckmIvk:刁斗 tiogTIu | 力牧 lIckmIvk | 力虔 lIckg'Ian

力牧 双语例句

1. 力牧什么意思

1. 活动人士阿比德。哈力牧。萨娄迪是保卫什宛领土委员会的成员,他相信以色列的动机是驱逐阿拉伯人,将它变成犹太人领土。
    Activist Abdel Halim Shaloudi, a member of the Committee for the Defense of the Territory of Silwan, believes the Israelis'real motive is to drive out the Arabs and make this a Jewish area.