

Of incomparable merit;
功高盖世 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 肯尼迪遇刺时,人们认为,假如他再任一届总统的话,大概不是功高盖世,就是祸国殃民。
    At the time of Kennedy`s assassination, people thought that a second term would have led either to greatness or to disaster.

2. 功高盖世什么意思

2. 张良当年历尽艰辛帮刘邦夺天下,功高盖世,可他却毅然辞官不做,归隐山林,享受淡泊的人生乐趣,得以安度晚年。
    When the painstaking ZhangLiang liu, help from high power GaiShi, but he did not do, resolutely resigned officer, enjoy the cloistered life from trees, fun.