


词典Calcutta University 缩写为 Calc Univ

加尔各答大学 网络解释

1. Calcutta University:1963到1965年两年间,他于加尔各答大学(Calcutta University)从事研究工作. 尔后六年里,他在拉达克的雷地区(Leh)担任佛法学校的校长. 1972年,他移驻北印度达兰色拉,并于1977年至1978年间担任美国维吉尼亚大学(Virginia University)的客座教授.

2. 加尔各答大学

2. Univ. Calcutta:25 ?cole natl. sup. mines Paris 国立巴黎高等矿业学校 | 25 Univ. Calcutta 加尔各答大学 | 29 Albert-Ludwigs-Univ. Freiburg 阿尔布莱希特-路德维希-弗莱堡大学

3. Calcutta,University of:Calcutta 加尔各答170 | Calcutta,University of 加尔各答大学170 | Calcutta Harbour 加尔各答港170

加尔各答大学 双语例句

1. 加尔各答大学的反义词

1. 因为担心会引起马匹的不适,他从来不使用马车。他是一个不屈不绕的人,因为对当局不满,他放弃了加尔各答梵语大学校长之职。
    He was a man of indomitable spirit, which he showed when he gave up the lucrative position of principal of the Sanskrit College of Calcutta because of a disagreement with the authorities.

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2. 在回顾南盟地区各国的汉学研究历史时,我们发现这一地区的汉学研究始于1918年,当时加尔各答大学的印度历史与文化系开设了一门中国语言与文学课程。
    While looking back at the history of Sinological Studies in the SAARC region, we find that a small beginning of Sinological studies was made by the University of Calcutta in 1918 with the introduction of a course on Chinese language and literature in the Department of Indian history and culture.

3. 加尔各答大学

3. 加尔各答大学授予他博士学位。20年代,创办国际大学,并多次到国外访问,同时写作不息。
    Calcutta University awarded him a doctorate.20 years, founded the International University, and several trips abroad, while writing endless.

4. 一位奉献者形容过加尔各答大学的同学毕业会,说这场集会看上去好像人头组成的森林一样。
    A devotee described the Convocation of Calcutta University, saying that the meeting looked like a forest of human heads.

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5. 拉特纳 班德尤帕德亚伊(加尔各答大学,图书馆与信息学系,加尔各答,印度
    RATNA BANDYOPADHYAY University of Calcutta, The LIS Department, Calcutta, India

6. 卢英德出生在印度金奈,并在那里接受教育,后来在加尔各答获得印度管理学院(IndianInstituteofManagement)的MBA学位,之后进入耶鲁大学(Yale),在1980年完成学业并获得另外一个MBA学位。
    Indra Nooyi was born and educated in Chennai, India, received an MBA at the Indian Institute of management in Calcutta, and made her way to Yale to earn yet another MBA, which she completed in 1980.