

包赔[bāo péi]


词典guarantee to pay compensations包赔。

包赔 汉英大词典

包赔[bāo péi]

guarantee to pay compensations

包赔 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. guarantee to pay compensations:guarantee of quality 质量保证书 | guarantee to pay compensations 包赔 | guide link 导环

包赔 双语例句

1. 包赔的翻译

1. 你的一些家具和地毯因为水管漏水而被损坏,但你发现你上的保险并不包赔酱紫损失。
    Some furniture and carpeting in your house was damaged by a leak in the water pipes and you discover that your insurance doesn't cover the loss.

2. 包赔的反义词

2. 公司的质量承诺是:出厂产品在有效期内,凡属质量问题,一律实行包退、包换、包赔
    Quality is the company's commitment: products manufactured in effect, every quality problems, should be implemented Baotui, Baohuan, Baopei.

3. 包赔的近义词

3. 包退包换包赔制度。如果货运耽搁,你会得到全额退款
    The system of three guarantees-- refund, replacement and compensation.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 客户以电话联系为准,电话定好后,来到本公司后无货,包赔全部经济损失!
    Telephone contact with customers to prevail, telephone set, after a good, came to the Company and no goods, guarantee to pay compensations of all economic losses!

5. 区别于其它厂家不传授技术,只出售气化炉),如不符,将包赔来者十倍经济损失。
    As distinct from other manufacturers do not teach technology, only the sale of gasifier, such as not, who will Baopei to 10 times the economic loss.

6. 教师一直都在主张权利,可是有关单位领导一直以种种借口,拒绝承认他们对自己份内工作不负责任,而混编所造成的错误;拒绝承担因他们的错误所造成的法律责任;拒绝包赔所造成的经济和精神损失;拒绝给予纠正。
    Teachers have been advocating the rights, but the unit leadership has been all sorts of excuses and refused to admit that they were working for their irresponsibility, but the error caused by mixed; refuse to because of their legal liability resulting from errors; refused to guarantee to pay compensations caused by the economic and spiritual loss; refused to correct.

7. 包赔是什么意思

7. 凡本店售出的商品一律实行包退包换包赔制度。
    Our shop sells goods with three guarantees & refund, replacement or compensation.