

Medical door;
医门 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 本人此时亦在初人医门之一足,另一足尚在医门之外的十六岁时。
    At that time I was 16 with one foot which has gained access to TCM and the other not.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 临床医生的成长是一个过程,从踏入医门起,医生们就在金字塔上进行攀登。
    Doctors all will go to clamber up in pyramid from enter to cure porch.

3. 医门

3. 喻昌的《医门法律》,在辨证论治方面有诸多创见如对中寒阴证、中风、痉病、湿热证、中暑、燥病等各病证辨证论治,各具特色。
    Such new ideas on syndrome differentiation and treatment administration as cold attack, stroke and dampness syndrome were created in Medical Laws by Yu Chang, with their own characteristics.

4. 新加坡、成都及乐山中医门诊七情背景及事件的比较研究
    Comparison study on seven emotion and life events among patients of Singapore, Chengdu and Leshan

5. 医门的翻译

5. 《医门擥要》主要学术观点的研究
    Study on The Main Academic Viewpoint of Outline of Entrance to Medicine

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. 《医门■要》主要内容的统计分析
    Statistical Analysis on Main Contents of the Outline of Entrance to Medicine