

Thirteen articles;
十三篇 双语例句

1. 本文根据1972年山东临沂银雀山汉墓出土的《孙子兵法》、《孙膑兵法》、《六韬》、《尉缭子》、《守法、守令等十三篇》,1975年湖北云梦出土的《睡虎地秦墓竹简》,1982年湖北江陵张家山汉墓出土的汉简《盖庐》等材料,分别从立法思想、犯罪防治思想与治国方略三个方面探讨了竹简兵书中的法律思想。
    The law idea in book of tactics on culm is discussed from the thought of lawmaking, the thought of prevention of crime and strategy of government based on the correlative literature. The penalty is discussed with prise in the book of tactics.

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2. ketubot ;十三篇;买卖与相互的义务和权利的丈夫和妻子。
    Ketubot; thirteen chapters; deals chiefly with the mutual duties and rights of husband and wife.

3. 棋经》是北宋仁宗时的皇祐中翰林学士张拟的作品,合共十三篇,讲述围棋的理论。
    Book of Chess is an ancient book written in Chinese to discuss WeiQi or Go.

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4. 阖闾曰:子之十三篇吾尽观之矣。
    Entiring gate says: Child piece I all watchs.

5. 十三篇是什么意思

5. 《孙子兵法》十三篇,撰著在吴国,问世在吴国,离不开吴国的国情和吴地文化特征。
    Military Science of Sun Tzu, with three chapters, is written and comes out in Wu Kingdom, and without its national conditions and culture, there would not exist the book.

6. 《火攻篇》是《孙子兵法》十三篇这个恢弘体系中一个非常重要的有机组成部分。
    Attacking with Fire is a very important component of Military Science of Sun Tzu.

7. 十三篇是什么意思

7. 中国兵学鼻祖孙武,其《孙子》十三篇,向来被称为兵经,很少有人深入探讨它的文学价值及语言艺术。
    The thirteen Chapters of Sun Zi written by SUN WU the originator of Chinese military science is always regarded as a classical book on the art of war, but little attention has been paid on its literary value and language art.

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8. 《棋经十三篇》的围棋观
    The viewpoint of thirteen chapters of the Weiqi classic

9. 十三篇的近义词

9. 出土文献中大量的法律史料,如:睡虎地出土的《秦律》、张家山出土的《汉律》、银雀山出土的《守法守令等十三篇》、马王堆出土的帛书《黄帝四经》与《周易》、郭店出土的儒家与道家文献以及其它古佚书,等等,使久已失传的律典及法律思想方面的文献得以重现,为改写中国法律史提供了可靠的依据和广阔的空间。
    Great amount of materials about legal history came in sight such as the Codes of the Qin Dynasty excavated in Shuihudi, the Codes of the Han Dynasty in Zhangjiashan, 13 Pieces about Observing Laws and Rules etc. in Yinque Mount, the silk book Huang Di Si Jing and Zhou Yi in Mawangdui, and Confucian and Tao literature in Guodian, and other ancient lost books. The reemerging of the codes and literature concerning legal thoughts provides a reliable basis and broad space for rewriting the legal history of China.