1. 石头房的建造的房屋墙体比较厚,墙面的厚度都在五十公分以上,窗户也比较小,受到十二级台风的影响,或者冬天受到寒潮袭击的大风的影响,渔民就得到安居,基本上不会有什么损失。
The stone house usually has very thick stone walls (over 50 cm) and small windows to ensure its safety against the strong typhoon in the summer and cold wave in the winter.
2. 十二级台风
2. 打江山容易守江山难,如被市场的海洋吞没,那也只能怪我们的企业和企业家没能继续打造抗击十二级台风的航空母舰,而躺在自以为是的小舢板里无畏地洋洋得意了。
However, it is easy to become successful but not to be always. If companies fail in the market, only the companies and the entrepreneurs are the ones to blame: why did you enjoy your small sampan without no concern for waves ahead instead of building an aircraft carrier that can resist force 12 typhoon.
3. 生命原来这么脆弱,脆弱得象十二级台风中忧郁的紫丁香一样,不堪一击。
What life are so fragile, fragile like a 12 typhoon and melancholy, like lilac and vulnerable.