

A golden opportunity;
千古一时 双语例句

1. 千古一时的近义词

1. 当时许多作家都是名噪一时的章表文高手,留下为数众多的作品,许多章表作品是我国文学史上的千古名篇。
    At that time, many of the writers were very distinguished for writing Zhang and Biao, leaving a large number of famous works in Chinese literary history.

2. 千古一时什么意思

2. 心胸豁达宽广的人,考虑到死后的千古名誉,所以宁可坚守道德准则忍受一时的寂寞,也决不会因依附权贵而遭受万世的凄凉。
    The wise, who see the behind and ponder over the beyond, would rather savor the temporary loneliness than face the permanent misery.