

千叮万嘱[qiān dīng wàn zhǔ]

词典add a hundred practical hints and a thousand salutary warnings千叮万嘱。

词典give many exhortations to sb.千叮万嘱。

词典command sb. a hundred thousand times千叮万嘱。

词典exhort sb. repeatedly千叮万嘱;千叮咛万嘱咐。

千叮万嘱 汉英大词典

千叮万嘱[qiān dīng wàn zhǔ]

add a hundred practical hints and a thousand salutary warnings; give many exhortations to sb.; command sb. a hundred thousand times; exhort sb. repeatedly

千叮万嘱 双语例句

1. 在毕业典礼上,一句句千叮万嘱的话语使这些不羁的学子也有些动容了。
    Changes have happened to him since we were separated.

2. 他对女儿千叮万嘱后,才离家上路。
    He took the bird to his daughter, and after much last-minute advice to her, he set out on his trip.

3. 千叮万嘱的解释

3. 可是轮到我们当妈妈后,却是千叮万嘱,教女儿一定要拥有自己的事业和收入,千万不要仰赖先生!
    But when we became mothers, we taught our daughters that they should have their own careers and income, and never have to depend on a man!

4. 每年的今日,我都会带着您的孙子去您的墓前看您,献上您需要的钱币,千叮万嘱让您想买什么买什么,想吃什么就吃什么,孝顺的姐姐也总给您带上几样您喜欢吃的东西,但至今也不知道您真的喜欢吃什么,但我知道绝不是您在人间时所说的稀饭。
    April 5 every year, I will take your grandchildren to go to your grave to see you, presents you need money, Qiandingwanzhu what you want to buy what to buy and eat what you want for what filial sister there are always you bring a few samples you like to eat, but so far do not know what you really like to eat, but I know that you never said when the porridge in the human world.

5. 千叮万嘱

5. 这是8月8日开幕式前,安保大哥千叮万嘱,站岗把关的同学你们一刻都不敢放松!
    Before the Opening Ceremony, security staff are talking to the volunteers.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 我们送她之前千叮万嘱,骨碌自己不会看车,过马路一定要抱过去,她怎么也不看着点啊。
    We had entrusted her deeply before, that Gulu should be held in the arm when cross the street for it couldn't avoid the car by itself.

7. 更给我启示的是亲情可贵,没有什么比得上肥肥临终前千叮万嘱希望身边好友照顾自己的女儿
    I am very glad for him, finally he find the love harbor, the one who own the love is the happiest one in the world.

8. 千叮万嘱是什么意思

8. 班纳特太太口口声声祝她女儿幸福,又千叮万嘱地叫她不要错过了及时行乐的机会───这种嘱咐,女儿当然会去遵命办理;她得意非凡地对家里人大声叫着再会,于是姐妹们低声细气地祝她一路平安的话,她听也没有听见。
    Mrs. Bennet was diffuse in her good wishes for the felicity of her daughter, and impressive in her injunctions that she would not miss the opportunity of enjoying herself as much as possible; advice, which there was every reason to believe would be attended to; and in the clamorous happiness of Lydia herself in bidding farewell, the more gentle adieus of her sisters were uttered without being heard.