

千难万难[qiān nán wàn nán]

词典extremely difficult万难;千难万难;难得要命;难上加难。

千难万难 汉英大词典

千难万难[qiān nán wàn nán]

extremely difficult

千难万难 双语例句

1. 千难万难

1. 哪知,我随后发现,要闹到法庭上得到开口的机会,都千难万难、阻挠重重。
    I discovered the sheer magnitude of obstacles in your way to get your say in court.

2. 老乌龟再要告我的状,那可是千难万难
    Who was it? ''One of your maids-in-waiting, 'said the old eunuch.

3. 工作千头万绪,抓住了人就有头有绪;工作千难万难,用好了人就能克服种种困难。
    Working a multitude of things, captured a person to a; having mental or emotional state works 1000 difficult all difficulties, had used a person to be able to overcome a variety of difficulty.

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4. 瑞婆婆道:我们夫人何等尊贵,你这小贱人便想见我们夫人一面,也是千难万难
    Then Lady R said: So lordly is our lady! Extremely difficult it is to meet her even if you are eager to.

5. 千难万难的近义词

5. 千难万难,老大重视就不难。
    Difficult all difficulties, it is not difficult that the old takes seriously.

6. 千难万难的近义词

6. 鳌拜厉声道:你叫他快别做这清秋大梦,要杀鳌拜容易得很,要鳌拜磕头,却是千难万难
    Tell him if he wants to kill me, that's easy; but if he wants me to kowtow to him, that's not difficult, it's impossible.

7. 千难万难的翻译

7. 有志者自有千计万计(未必敌得过千难万难),无志者只感千难万难(一切都会过去)。
    Own thousands of millions of people with lofty ideals, without a sense of1000 Chi are only difficult to extremely difficult.