

Half a minute;
半刻 双语例句

1. 可由于隔的时间太长,现在一时半刻还找不到该客户的资料,而他现在想与我电话联系。
    Feeling pretty good but very tred Hope to talk by cell soon to catch up and to hear all about this furniture project.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 喧嚣的街道,让人不得半刻安宁。
    Make a clamour; make a hullabaloo; raise a din

3. 在英国,四时皆无定律;一年到头,没有一时半刻阴晴可测。明日天气是干爽还是潮湿,是天清云朗抑或乌云罩顶,没人说得准。七月盛暑若是阳光不赏脸,跟一月隆冬的好天时,温度是相当的。
    The rainfall is not very heavy, the winter is not very cold and the summer is not very hot, and there is no part of the year at which it is possible to expect, with any degree of assurance, that the weather will be dry or wet, clear or dull, and a bad day in July is as cold as a mild day in January.

4. 半刻的反义词

4. 不过我现在还在幸福当中,食物给人的满足感不是一时半刻可以消除的。
    However, tomorow I have to hand in a message of a person.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 约翰是个脚踏实地的人,他知道不可能一时半刻就学会一切。
    John has his feet on the ground; he knows he cannot learn everything at once.

6. 他们一时半刻也到不了这里
    They're not gonna be here for a while...

7. 想要看到环境效益,不是靠一时半刻的努力就能实现的。
    The benefits from environmental protection can't be realized through short term efforts.

8. 半刻

8. 感情上,一时半刻我真的无法放下你,七年真的不是很轻易的事情。
    I hate you, this is a catastrophe, is a must lose the game. I am well

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9. 那项坏消息让她震惊不已,一时半刻无法回过神来。
    She was shocked by the bad news and did not come to herself for a moment.

10. 要想一步步接近它、掌握它,绝对不是一时半刻的功夫就能做到的,必须有一个认识的过程、实践的过程,在这个过程中我们注意研究、调整和改进。
    To step by step closer to it, master it, absolutely not will be able to do the work, there must be a recognition process, the process of practice, in the process of our attention on, adjust and improve.

11. 我不会再犹豫半刻
      I won't hesitate no more

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

12. 你的马借我用一用,我走了,别试图说话,说一句,半刻你就死了。
      Lend me your horse with a use, I go, do not attempt to speak, say that you半刻dead.

13. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

13. 前场是没有慢悠悠的步伐,不是抢断就是失误,当面对三秒区内的对方3人,或者一个彻底的突破或是投篮,他们在知道他们必须要做的之后没有半刻犹豫。
      There was no hesitation in doing what they knew they had to do.

14. 已容不得我坐在显示器前逗留半刻
      Has not allowed to have I to sit in front of the screen a while.

15. 他一时半刻还回不来。
      He won't be back for a little while yet.

16. “先生方伸手按在右手脉上,调息了至数,宁神细诊了有半刻的工夫,方换过左手”
      " The doctor first took the pulse of the right wrist, feeling it carefully for a considerable time before he turned to the left wrist. "

17. 白秀犹疑着,却听伤筱一句“半刻后青石桥见”。
      The white show hesitates, but listens to harm Xiao " the half engraves backward the granite bridge see ".

18. danci.911chaxun.com

18. 那位单独行动的女人,先前是这片荒僻的原野的女王,现在却好象一时半刻难再回来。
      The lonely person who hitherto had been queen of the solitude did not at present seem likely to return.

19. 半刻的解释

19. 她在购物,一时半刻回不来。
      She is shopping and won't be back for quite a while.

20. 半刻的反义词

20. “先生方伸手按在右手脉上,调息了至数,宁神细诊了有半刻的工夫,方换过左手”
      " The doctor first took the pulse of the right wrist, feeling it carefully for a considerable time before he turned to the left wrist. "