

Hua Yan;
华筵 双语例句

1. 他的作品中一再出现的主题——在腐蚀中保存天真——可以为这点作证;他的故事里对耀眼的铺张、佳肴美酒的描写也使人不免要拿来和《大亨小传》里主角盖次璧的华筵相较。
    His recurring theme of innocence in corruption suggests this, and his description of conspicuous consumption, of fancy foods and hua-tiao wine, invites comparison with Gatsby's lavish parties.

2. 他接受俱乐部的委托,为迎接巴格拉季翁筹办一次盛大的酒会,因为很少有人这样慷慨待客,他竟能举办豪华的宴会,尤其是因为很少有人为举办华筵需要耗费金钱时能够而且愿意掏出腰包。
    He had been entrusted with the organisation of the banquet to Bagration by the club, because it would have been hard to find any one so well able to organise a banquet on a large and hospitable scale, and still more hard to find any one so able and willing to advance his own money, if funds were needed, for the organisation of the fête.