

卓见[zhuō jiàn]

词典excellent opinion卓见;卓见的。

词典brilliant idea卓见;高招;高着儿。

卓见 汉英大词典

卓见[zhuō jiàn]

excellent opinion; brilliant idea

卓见 双语例句

1. 事实的确如此,他是一位有着真知卓见的人。
    He was indeed a remarkable man.

2. 这本书很有真知卓见
    The book is filled with remarkable insight s.

3. 这本书很有真知卓见
    The book is filled with remarkable insights.

4. 对真理的了解一个有真知卓见的人乃由实践中去了解——道。
    UNDERSTANDING OF TRUTH A first-rate philosopher practices it to understand it – TAO.

5. 卓见在线翻译

5. 正如灯能照亮黑暗的房间,具有真知卓见的评论亦能阐明棘手的问题。
    Just as a lamp can illuminate a dark room, a perceptive comment can illuminate a knotty problem.

6. 正如灯能照亮黑暗的房间,具有真知卓见的评论亦能阐明棘手的问题。
    Lamp can illuminate a dark room, a perceptive comment can illuminate a knotty problem.

7. 雪利酒和波尔图葡萄酒等各种酒如伊希斯河(1*)般源源不断,席间,正史秩闻,乖语妙谈和真知卓见虽不易领悟,却也愉悦万分。
    Sherry, wine and port flow like the Isis, with facts, anecdotes, bons mots and sparkling insights swirling past in a bewildering but entertaining array.

8. 卓见什么意思

8. 派沃传承了渊泉收藏品的文化精粹,它以其先知卓见及极致收藏品文化与制造工艺,获得美国NBA许可,成为经营开发NBA品牌商品之贵金属饰品,摆件,徽章领域的唯一大中华区官方授权商。
    Ltd. Power inherit the cultural essence of Yuanquan Crafts, by virtue of its collection culture and craft as well as its insight, it was licensed by NBA as its only official licensee in the territory of People`s Republic of China to operate and develop NBA brand products in the field of precious metal accessory, ornaments and badges.

9. 每个会议可以也包括一些集中的身体工作,并且坛场绘画以后被使用帮助集成卓见
    Each session may also include some focused body work, and mandala drawing is used afterwards to help integrate insights.

10. 我们新老朋友们将会愉快的相聚在一起,彼此分享奇文卓见,切磋疑义新思。
    We all friends both new and old would happily meeting together and sharing the remarkable work and discussing its subtleties with each other.

11. 我们新老朋友们将会愉快的相聚在一起,彼此分享奇文卓见,切磋疑义新思。
      We all friends whatever new and old would happily meeting together and sharing the remarkable work and discussing its subtleties with each other.

12. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

12. 他在文学方面很有卓见
      He has excellent opinions in literature.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 自从开始在上海生活后他也开始了汉语的学习,至今已卓见成效。
      Since living in Shanghai, he can speak a little Chinese.

14. 而我们希望我们也能在四川大地震的灾后重建中找到这样有卓见之人。
      Let's hope that we can find similar men of vision when it comes to rebuilding in the wake of the Sichuan earthquake.

15. 尽管已卓见成效,但在这热闹的圣诞团圆与欢庆的一天里,要做的事情还很多。
      Much has been achieved but there is still much to do and on this day of reunions and festivities in the glow of Christmas.

16. 片刻的卓见有时值一生的经验。
      A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience.

17. 卓见

17. 私营贸易区计划和社区开发的努力已经卓见成效。
      Private trade area programs and community development efforts have been effective.

18. 这是《素书》中的一句话,光是一句话就可以让一件事清楚的表现出来,这是古人智慧的展现,在当今的世界上很少可以有如此一针见血的真知卓见,《素书》中如此,当然在《孙子兵法》中亦是比比皆是。
      To secure oneself against defeat depends one`s own efforts, while the opportunity of victory must be afforded by the enemy.

19. 在过去几年里,一些富有卓见的研究人员已经衔接了生物计算和实际的DNA计算之间的间隙。
      Over the past few years, some insightful researchers have bridged the gap between the biological computing theory and actual DNA-based computation.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. 小企业与有卓见的科技爱好者都是早期最有热情的DIY应用创建者。
      Small businesses and tech-savvy amateurs have been the most enthusiastic early creators of DIY apps.