

卖力[mài lì]

词典exert oneself to the utmost尽一切力量;卖力。

词典do one's very best卖力。

词典exert all one's strength卖劲儿;卖力;使劲。

词典spare no effort不遗余力,尽力去做;卖劲儿;竭尽;卖力。

卖力 汉英大词典

卖力[mài lì]

(尽量使出自己的力量) exert oneself to the utmost; do one's very best; exert all one's strength; spare no effort; work hard; do all one can:


    He spared no effort in his work.

    他非常卖力, 就是不知道怎样思考。

    He had immense industry but he didn't know how to think.


    Why should you work so hard for these people?


    live by the sweat of one's brow; make a living by manual labour

卖力 网络解释

1. take care of:take away=断根,清耗 | take care of=赐顾帮衬,伺候;负担,处理,卖力 | take charge of=担任,卖力

2. liable for:5.compensate v.偿还,赔偿,付报酬 | 6.liable for卖力 | 7.misfortune n.不幸,灾祸

3. Stronger:Faster . 高效 | Stronger . 卖力 | More Than . 不在意