

Guo Zi Nan;
南郭子綦 双语例句

1. 颜成子游跟随南郭子綦修行已经有许多年了。
    Yan Chengziyou followed Nanguo Ziqi to practice for many years.

2. 南郭子綦什么意思

2. 南郭子綦正如所有禅师惯有的态度,他没有正面的回答颜成子的问题,他只说了一个故事。
    With the attitude that man of practice usually took, Nanguo Ziqi didn`t answer his question directly. He only told him a story.

3. 他回顾过去多年修行之路时,他对南郭子綦说:「我刚跟随老师修行时,我起居好闲静处,生活趋向简单朴素,不喜欢跟人整天混在一起。
    Recalling the way of practice, he told Nanguo Ziqi, At the beginning of practice, I liked to lead a quiet and leisureful life that trends to be simple and plain. I didn`t like to stay with others.

4. 他回顾过去多年修行之路时,对南郭子綦说:「我刚跟随老师修行时,起居好闲静处,生活趋向简单朴素,不喜欢跟人整天混在一起。
    Recalling the way of practice, he told Nanguo Ziqi, At the beginning of practice, I liked to lead a quiet and leisure life that trends to be simple and plain. I didn`t like to stay with others.

5. 南郭子綦

5. 南郭子綦今天练功的时间特别长,站在他身边的弟子颜成子游有点不耐烦。
    NanGuo ziqi today practiced for extraordinarily long time. Standing beside him, Yancheng Ziyou, his disciple, wore impatience on face.

6. 南郭子綦在禅房打坐,他由初禅、二禅、三禅、四禅再深入至空入处、识入处、无所有入处,到达此顶点后又渐次倒退重回初禅,由初禅再升入二、三、四禅,由此出定,完成一回合禅坐功课。
    From the first meditation, he entered into the second, third and forth in order and then he embedded himself in the realm of emptiness, consciousness and nothingness one after another.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. 颜成子游跟随南郭子綦修行已经有许多年了。
    Yan Chengzi followed Nanguo Ziqi to practice for many years.