卜居[bǔ jū]
词典choose a place for one's home:卜居。
卜居[bǔ jū]
[书] (择地居住) choose a place for one's home
1. BuJu Divination:05 遠遊 YuanYou Far-off Journey | 06 卜居 BuJu Divination | 07 漁父 YuFu The Fisherman
2. Buju:Qu Yuan 屈 原 | Buju 卜 居 | Yufu 渔 父
1. 我祈求象你那样坚定——但我不愿意高悬夜空,独自辉映,并且永恒地睁着眼睛,象自然间耐心的、不眠的隐士,不断望着海滔,那大地的神父,用圣水冲洗人所卜居的岸沿,或者注视飘飞的白雪,象面幕,灿烂、轻盈,覆盖着洼地和高山——呵,不,——我只愿坚定不移地以头枕在爱人酥软的胸脯上,永远感到它舒缓地降落、升起;而醒来,心里充满甜蜜的激荡,不断,不断听着她细腻的呼吸,就这样活着,——或昏迷地死去。
Would I were steadfast as thou art-- Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night, And watching, with eternal lids apart, Like Nature's patient sleepless Eremite, The moving waters at their priestlike task Of pure ablution round earth's human shores, Or gazing on the new soft fallen mask Of snow upon the mountains and the moors-- No--yet still steadfast, still unchangeable, Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast, To feel for ever its soft fall and swell, Awake for ever in a sweet unrest, Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath, And so live ever--or else swoon to death.
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2. 他居然做到销声匿迹,他变卖了主教的银器,只留了那两个烛台作为纪念,从这城溜到那城,穿过法兰西,来到滨海蒙特勒伊,发明了我们说过的那种新方法,造就了我们谈过的那种事业,做到自己使人无可捉摸,无可接近,卜居在滨海蒙特勒伊,一面追念那些伤怀的往事,一面庆幸自己难得的余生,可以弥补前半生的缺憾;他生活安逸,有保障,有希望,他只有两种心愿:埋名,立德;远避人世,皈依上帝。
What the Bishop had wished to make of him, that he carried out.
3. 他买房前,特意找专业人士来卜居。
Before buying a house, he found some professionals to help him to choose the location.
4. 卜居什么意思
4. 用圣水冲洗人所卜居的岸沿
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores
5. 卜居在那些粉红色巨大宅邸里无所事事的阔佬寓公们似乎也销声匿迹了。
The idle rich in the big pink houses seemed to have gone underground.
6. 我期盼台湾以及其他地区的读者,不会觉得由我这位卜居在美的英国人为理解中国近代史所做的尝试太过於肤浅。
It is my hope that readers in Taiwan and elsewhere will not find this attempt to understand recent Chinese history, made by an Englishman living in the United States, too superficial.
7. 第四章以纪游、送别、茶事、卜居为单元,例举了大量与之相关的山水画,探讨了人物在这样一类主题画作中所具有的中介、象征意义及其作为社交酬唱过程中的认读功能。
The fourth chapter, composed with the units as traveling, farewell, tea-drinking and simple living, reviews lots of related landscape painting to exploit the role of people in these objective painting, its media and symbolizing significance as well as the ability in social activities.
8. 卜居什么意思
8. 虽然大多数的天主教传教士亦察觉到中国若干内在积病,不过他们大抵延续耶稣会士利玛窦的观点。利玛窦於一五八三年至一六一○年卜居中国,他十份推崇中国工艺技术的进步、国家官僚制度的齐备、文化传统之中所蕴含的深邃哲理,和统治者的无上权威。
Although mindful of some of China's problems, most Catholic observers followed the example of the Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci, who had lived in China from 1583 to 1610 and admired the industry of China's population, the sophistication of the country's bureaucracy, the philosophical richness of its cultural traditions, and the strength of its rulers.
9. 《卜居》《渔父》:屈原精神困境的揭示和对自我与社会的双重固持
A difficult position revealing of Qu Yuan spirit and a double persisting in both oneself and society
10. 卜居的近义词
10. 如果说《卜居》揭示了屈骚精神在现实中的困境,那么《渔父》则展示了屈子在困境中对自我精神生死以之的恪守。
If reveals the difficult position of Qu Sao spirit in the real life, then, shows that Qu-Yuan persists in self-spirit in the difficult position form the cradle to the grave.
11. 卜居
11. 志-命-文的对应与诠释&《卜居》八问的对话论述
" Bo ju ": the dialogue elaboration of eight questions
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12. 志-命-文的对应与诠释&《卜居》八问的对话论述
" Bo ju ": the dialogue elaboration of eight questions